GTA - Counter Attack. Official


Under a global counter attack 

We declared War against Canada in 2012. Cease fire negotiations using the Law-Courts with international interests failed so we are proceeding with an advanced counter attack on Canada from over 100 countries with specific Canadian interests 

The entire population of Ontario involves a percentage variable between 50-99% loose their lives with specific exceptions connected to under 500,000 operating with Knights Templar in response to the 2012-2024 terror attacks on H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG including the body & life of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett 


The Toronto General Hospital 

200 Elizabeth St, Toronto, ON M5G 2C4

If you were at this hospital between November 1, 2022-December 1, 2022 you loose your life  

Brampton Hospital 

William Osler Health System - Brampton Civic Hospital

2100 Bovaird Dr E, Brampton, ON L6R 3J7

If you were at this hospital between August 15, 2022-September 15, 2022 you loose your life  



If you physically entered this shelter for the Homeless between August 15, 2022 - September 15, 2022

Staff, medical + dental professionals then Police, EMS, Fire Fighters then interests connected to Home First then the Toronto Government loose their lives with all clients that had been at the location for invading the memories + privacy of the four Bennett's & H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG

All past-present Governments loose their lives including Police, EMS - Ambulance, Fire + Intelligence alongside all others for refusing to plead guilty in court against H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG


Willowdale Welcome Centre

5800 Yonge St, North York, ON M2M 3T3

If you physically entered this shelter for the Homeless between November 1, 2022 - May 4, 2022

Staff, medical + dental professionals then Police, EMS, Fire Fighters then interests connected to Home First then the Toronto Government loose their lives with all clients that had been at the location for invading the memories + privacy of the four Bennett's & H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG

The Canadian Government & Police with Military, Naval, Air + Intelligence are stupid for what they are recorded

All past-present Governments loose their lives including Police, EMS - Ambulance, Fire + Intelligence alongside all others for refusing to plead guilty in court against H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG


Kennedy Road Shelter for Women 

702 Kennedy Rd, Toronto, ON M1K 2B5

If you physically entered this shelter for the Homeless between May 4, 2022 - November 1, 2024

Staff, medical + dental professionals then Police, EMS, Fire Fighters then interests connected to Home First then the Toronto Government loose their lives with all clients that had been at the location for invading the memories + privacy of the four Bennett's & H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG

The Canadian Government & Police with Military, Naval, Air + Intelligence are stupid for what they are recorded

All past-present Governments loose their lives including Police, EMS - Ambulance, Fire + Intelligence alongside all others for refusing to plead guilty in court against H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG 


Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett agreed to being available to intervene in an Ottawa Neurological Technology Threat Lab attempting to hold down Nicole Sydney Bennett in Los Angeles or Toronto not get forcefully made to stay in a Shelter for the Homeless after those in the Government connected to others attempted to seize all of Nic's earned assets & banking accounts with


All 40 Million Canadians including the unmanned Knights Templar operatives within Canada at just under 500,000 are either already or will be knocked into Neurological Technology Standardized Labs monitored

Separate operating Threat Labs operating within & outside of Canada affecting those within will be monitored like those monitored within Standardized labs

The Knights Templar involves a Mediterranean-European + International Law-Courts system in the decision over Canadians in a counter monitor - control effort in response to the 2012-2024 Neuro-Strike attacks on H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG & the body - life of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett

Guilty people in their live's will be brought to justice in the Law-Courts & potentially put through wireless detention & even executions

We have over 25 countries against Canada with over 5 Billion international citizens in over 60 countries

Military - Air - Naval + Intelligence

Advanced Neurological Technology Networks


The Canadians of good image, character, credibility, reputation & life cycles of experience will be respected in their society with Canadian way of life unaffected while all others are taken down in the Law-Courts + privately 

We will not be launching missiles or any form of air-strike attacks in Canada while we approach the Public, Private + Personal Infrastructure in a new modern Warfare approach making Canada an example country 

Ghost intelligence & invisible attacks + counter attacks using advanced grids with counter attacks focusing on the guilty parties & groups while maintaining a public status quo with the economy functioning seamlessly so the innocent are unaffected 

Some buildings may be taken down in larger cities not medium or smaller & rural areas while we void efforts to affect innocent interests in different areas adjacent in our efforts in Canada over the Neurological Technology Threat Labs while we may consider a more effective version of Covid 19 focusing on a controlled pandemic rather than vast uncontrolled effort complimenting different advanced & experimental technologies
Some building structures may burn out from the inside out while a multitude of natural phenomenon occurs in a counter message focusing on those that earned such in response to a lack of negotiations prior to 1999 & post
Separate conflict between Canada & different groups alongside or with different countries remains including Canada with Ukraine against Russia including seized assets in their Anti-War + European - International investment control pact with USA & Nato while this area of conflict surrounds attacks on Brics & European - International investment groups & interests specifically dating back before 1999 & post  
Ukraine + Russia are at war
North - South Korea always have conflict since their 1900's devision like previous conflict. Conflict between groups within one or more countries then multiple countries or two countries versus others

Earth's history versus modern conflict


"I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett do not allow human beings not myself to consciously speak on my behalf or to take control of how I think, imagine or remember & or how I think to vocally speak on any topic or to any one person or group that had or does & may exist. This includes how I write, type or speak in all silent or non-silent forms of communication. I speak for myself first then those I am qualified to legally speak with alongside then that is all"

Russia & North Korea while available did not invade North America or other areas of Planet Earth using Neurological Technology Threat Labs

The responsible labs had connected with different interests in different countries


Cities in Canada we will bomb off the map if required

Toronto - Vancouver - Ottawa - Edmonton

All other areas will include a separate effort of counter invasion & control to seize


Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett 

Brazil + international options 

Unfortunately in Brazil separate from other international options 

Dengue Outbreak

As dengue cases continue to rise in Brazil, the country is facing a massive public health crisis. The viral disease, spread by mosquitoes, has sickened more than a million Brazilians in 2024 alone, overwhelming hospitals

The Anopheles mosquito

The most dangerous mosquitoes are certain species of Anopheles, Aedes and Culex—Aedes aegypti alone spreads LF, Zika, dengue, yellow fever, and more. The Anopheles mosquito, which is the main spreader of malaria in tropical and sub-tropical climates, can be found virtually everywhere except Antarctica
GTA - Counter Attack. Official


July - August 2024

The detachable Neurological Technology Drone Robot Puppet Ventriloquist Dolls of the Bank of Canada alongside those drone monitored in the Federal Government of Canada will be printing equivalent of US $205 Billion while forking over the Neurological Technology Threat Lab devices affecting H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG including Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett prior to 1999 & post

This is a settlement of financial damages owed to Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett which has to be transferred outside of Canada over these efforts

The Bank of Canada

Founded by the Rothschild - Bennett family which includes a percentage of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett's bloodline with Prime Minister R.B Bennett

The Bank of Canada is a Crown corporation and Canada's central bank. Chartered in 1934 under the Bank of Canada Act, it is responsible for formulating Canada's monetary policy, and for the promotion of a safe and sound financial system within Canada.

Founded: March 1935

Founder: R. B. Bennett

Jurisdiction: Canada

Province: Ontario

Currency: Canadian dollar; CAD (ISO 4217)

Governor of the Bank of Canada: Tiff Macklem

234 Wellington St. W, Ottawa, ON K1A 0G9

Central bank in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Rothschild - Bennett like areas of Rothschild & Windsor helped establish modern Europe, Israel, North America alongside multiple other countries in structure & change dating back before Christ. Sevens family bloodlines


US 2 Billion is allocated to different interests while US $3 Billion is allocated to H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG while the remainder is for Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett over the 2012-2024 terror attacks with over 50% of the Canadian population caught operating involved with international interests in the "Wink" rape, torture & terror attacks with no explanation involving corrupt areas of Government, Private & Personal Sector

Extreme torture - terror 24 hours a day with less than 1 hour between efforts daily between 2012-2024 on record while Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett worked around these continual efforts maintaining a busy work - life schedule within different areas of Canada connected to European - international interests including a few experiences in the USA from Alberta & Ontario


Any one person or country outside the borders & airspace of Canada that has been caught or that aids the Neurological Technology Threat Labs operating in North Bay or Ottawa against H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG & Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett will notice their country devided & at War internationally


We caught Jordan & 90% of everyone he had met between 1983-2014 involved operating with the North Bay - Ottawa Neurological Technology Threat Labs against H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG & Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett prior to 1999 & post

Jordan which may have been compromised by the North Bay - Ottawa Neurological Technology Threat Labs with his body & potentially his parents bodies knocked into Neurological Technology Threat Labs & monitored

Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett stands with only Dr Mary Koslov, past colleague of Michael Persinger since the late 1980's then connected interests including H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG since the early to mid 1980's


Pure hatred + enemies instead

Ask us about Canadians that had met Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett between 1985-2024

Nic does not like them... if at any time throughout the H.I.3 Case your under the impression that he was being sarcastic & friendly he does not respect or like any of them at all

To Nic they are thieving pieces of vile parasitic criminal, fraud accusers which act in superiority in an effort to make Nic seem like a lesser person as they collective band togther in different groups past-present

Fu*k you between 1999-2007 or before 2013 & 2014 along with nothings changed since 2014 or 2013 & back in 2007


Pure hatred + enemies instead

Canadian family or extended family Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett

Fu*k you. Fu*k you

The relationship since 2015-2016 & prior to dating back between 199-2001 involves Law-Courts & no contact outside of without Authorities - Police & legal representation as an intermediary

No relationship because fu*k you! 


Fu*k you because fu*k you!

Intervene Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett or other H.O.R.B-CIG - S-B-CIG professional & or private lives against you will be in a fu*king wheel chair, deceased or serving a life sentence in a maximum security penitentiary - prison cells knocked into neurological technology equipment monitored as criminal minds

Fu*k you. Fu*k everyone you had met past-present from your brother to present time


Fu*k you. Because fu*k you!

H.O.R.B-CIG - S-B-CIG & Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett do not want to hear the opinions of one man, woman, child or gender variant on earth of 8.1 Billion people including those that had illegally invaded the privacy of & reviewed the memories of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett extracted at the North Bay - Ottawa

Do not express what you & those your connected to or had been past versus present & or any one person or group would have done in the past in our separate lives if you were us for any reason including collective or singular efforts to look good in seeking recognition amongst yourselves operating at & with the North Bay - Ottawa Neurological Threat Labs

The North Bay - Ottawa Neurological Technology Threat Labs can go back to before 1993 & live out as collective groups all of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett's experiences including spending time around people he did or did not agree to spend time around at or outside of school or workplaces within the borders & airspace of Canada with the exception of Michael Persinger & Dr Mary Koslov with H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG


In public, at a professional workplace or anywhere of a private property

We will just put a bullet in your pathetic heads justified by documented & recorded evidence & traced correspondence collected between 2012-2024 & prior efforts before 2012 dating back before 1999 & 1993

Pop pop pop... goes your world. Weasel
Keep you head down. Stay in disguise & if ours see you we are fu*king your head into the ground. Wireless or in some form because your not legally or privately walking from what you did to us

Head into the ground

Keep your head down. Keep your mouth shut. Don't fu*k around or you will end up dead. As it's always been. Negatively affect one or more persons or groups including investments & body bags pile up with a global message

Self suppression 


The Knights Templar is executing every human being that physically entered the North Bay - Ottawa labs regardless before 2029 if they are not already deceased for their efforts taken against H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG & Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett which expected their only way out was to execute everyone within & connected to H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG & Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett between 2012-2024 despite failed efforts after separate efforts to negatively affect dating back before 1993 & post leading up to 2012

"you went it my head & reviewed my memories then even attempted to control, sabotage or harm me once or more than once from the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs between 1985-2024? Your getting killed regardless while being made a fu*k of in every area of over 100 countries. You loose your lives in or outside of a prison wireless or in other ways at the hands of Knights Templar draft groups operating in over 60 countries. These were not Standardized Labs so you loose your lives for operating as spies & killers" - Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett


Remember what you did to H.O.R.B-CIG - S-B-CIG & Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett

Brain terrorism
Temporary repeated injuries
Permanent injuries

Stealing from
Wasting our time

Forcing us to purchase & sell items at less than 10% less than paid new or used

Forcing us to donate purchased items

Wasting our time purposely sabotaging & attacking us while discrediting & isolating to justify using different collective power in numbers groups 

Forcing us to waste time working where we did not want to against our will versus where we did or would have

Forcing us to waste time study where we did not want to against our will versus where we did or would have

Intervening in our professional & private lives 

False disability - handicap claims + other medical related to cover up use of Neurological Technology equipment at Threat Labs


The Templar is tasked with a global hunt to execute everyone that had operated physically at the responsible Neurological Technology Threat Labs - North Bay - Ottawa prior to 1993 & post leading up to 2024

These people are welcome to plead to Police Officers in Canada & the Law-Courts with international interests involved to negotiate their ability to remain alive otherwise your all loosing your lives while many accomplice - accessories to those that operated at these Labs between 1993-2024 are in the same situation
Every human being involved, connected & mentioned between 2012-2024 & prior to 2012 dating back before 1999 & 1993 loose their lives if they do kot contact Police & plead guilty accurately while agreeing to submit to the Law-Courts which cannot cm guarantee they those involved & connected will not face wireless executions or other forms with prison sentencing


Canadian RCMP
North Bay Police
Calgary Police

Ontario Courts - North Bay
Alberta Courts - Calgary
Supreme Court - Ottawa


Watch out for people in disguise doubling as & or those least expected doubling as versus those with a temporary term cover & or out-of-towers versus those in ski masks. A modern wireless or traditional drive by shooting & series of course term attacks on those responsible that operated at & with the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs
High level advanced modern intelligence inspired by modern international popular culture, events, Earth's history & the Mafia then even different Clubs, Gangs & groups

Pop pop pop goes your world. Weasels

Pop = gun shot. Bullet in the forehead or other area. Maimed or killed
Know your place in hierarchies. Affiliation then Public forum + Spaces. Your roles at professional workplaces. Your place in your private life. Your amicable separate past versus present & potential future

Otherwise overstep & it's a Weasels world.  Pop goes the fu*k weasel



Black - White + Metis  
"On my terms since adult rights. Age 16. 2001. You a human not me expects your going to use your opinion to change me. A bullet down your throat ends your ability to. I walk on & ant no body gives a fu*k that you had existed. Understand mother fu*k?"

Anyone can dress in a suit & be a investor project kind of scientist or anything. Courses & invested time. You cannot revoke the true natural within regardless

Simple process

1. Legal route. Exhaust all options
2. Law-Courts
3. Private options. Pop goes the weasels

Number three when the first two fail repeatedly or once 

- Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett

GTA - Counter Attack. Official

H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG + Knights Templar


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