Dr Nic Bennett's - Life Origins Theory


Dr Nic Bennett's - Life Origins Theory 


Neurological sciences & technology advancing past work with then Michael Persinger & Dr Mary Koslov then connected international interests 

Powers based on technological intervention with software advancements then advanced knowledge based with developed skill & ability 

Electrical current - perception & illusion based manipulation of space - time within the confines of a restriction within slight change in gravitational rotation of the earth against the sun in its orbit on an annual where the planets spin in different slight contracting & expanding revolutions which control seasons, gravity & weight then the time paradigm on earth as calculated before & after Christ with ancient migratory technologies with the evolution of how biological life forms

Originals & mixes then since extinct & cross breading at a smaller & larger size & level in evolutionary patterns

The human specimen versus today's animal, insect & mammal breads in evolution in how the conscious walking separate or rooted life exists in the Universe & how advanced neurological sciences & technologies with advancing software had proven

Mixes of different species compounds over time which led to human development from what was once considered an existence from outside of earth then meteor rocks with intelligent life which mixed with biological species in the development

Changes to climate & our galaxy in rotation which


All known history retrieved from international archives in 195 countries for an advancement in the development of an accurate theory disregarding all others in one set description  


All considered valid & invalid theories included & connected to the main set of one overal larger 


In simple form

Manipulation of air - electronics & radio waves 

Manipulation of objects wirelessly

Unmanned mentalist ability to use more than predictive remote viewing & sensory sense to perform a life review in accuracy with or without neurological technology equipment 

Manipulation of the body on a basic, mid level & advanced level in different forms 


Conscious choice not to use such developed skill outside of a controlled environment

Potential hazards & events that can unfold in use of such in a controlled environment or outside 

Levels of clearance & legal terms in teaching advanced skill in neurological sciences & technology 

Most countries have 3 public levels & 7 private in Government & Private Sector interests over neurological sciences & technology like other areas including Intelligence 


The public has legal right to read, review & understand yet not operate or connect bodies to any form of neurological sciences & technology equipment that falls outside of legally approved consumer based EEG


How did Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett

Drive a 3 hour stretch at the speed limit in 1.5 hours

Move a first floor multi-story building pillar & warp then place it back to normal while subtly shaking the building

Open literary pieces to a specific page timed & staged to text reading text or specific words only zoning in on to generate a sentence back to the neuro-Eagles nest

Use creative art forms to communicate physically with timing on cue

Use a vast selection of song lyrics to communicate back to the neuro-Eagles nest zoning in on lyrics & generation of alternatives

Kick down a full regular steel door in one or three kicks

Lift three times the weight equal bodyb- size & stature with muscle - fat mass equations is physically capable of & lift, carry then place in different positions below, equal to or above the waist 


All areas of controlled environment tests & trails in the 1990's then 2000's then daily since 2010 documented & recorded in approved controlled environments

All efforts taken separately by the one Ontario neurological technology lab cluster locations in question rudely interrupting separately in those with then Michael Persinger, Dr Mary Koslov & later M.S.P-M.C.G Murder City labs connected to CIG SB - RBK Seven since having been established between the 1990's-2000's


As described accurately while referencing different interests & relevant examples in links provided in the H.I.3 case of just over 30 Meta Facebook & 21 Blogger profiles in description of the case with evidence & collected offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of correspondence 

Importance of knowledge in natural & man made disasters or hazards

Bunkers & panic rooms with security & contact with the outside world from intruding persons or groups operating alone or with others connected including neurological technology threat labs operating within or outside of one country affecting those within one or more

Assumption based false claims creating belief against fact creates risk for the innocent & gain for the guilty in different social, financial efforts then criminal, illegal & fraudulent with scams for gain at the expense of the innocent with one or more persons operating against unless staged for different purpose & motivations

People & groups carrying out different efforts based on claims versus fact


Neurological Technology Industry Slang


Cut you up in two. Hook you up to a Mexico

Meaning of slang:

Connect your brain to a permanent or detachable full body drown robot puppet ventriloquist doll device with associated software

Clamp - crate - move


For permanent devices rather than detachable that can disconnect

Clamp - keep energized & connect to an energy source without causing an arc or explosion

Crate - crate the energized device safely

Move - move & place the energized device with back up power & security in a temporary place then long-term vault to unmanned the subject candidate or to work with allowing their legal & Government representation & the subject canddiate to visit & see the device & know who is entering & exiting then those they connect with

Category 1999 & prior

Mind Control Equipment for mind reading

Category 2015

Neurological Technologies in Neuro-Sciences

Category 2016

Havana Syndrome causing neurological technologies


The old way pre 1999

Dismantle & destroy the device after use & claim the subject body was experiencing mental health problems in suicide or a staged accident if not death of natural causes

The new way post 1999

To unman & settle under a court order & health board

A court order & health board before connecting a body & vast resources from different programs standardizing use of the technology variations, software & human teams


The old way included mass groups efforts to erase a subject candidates life in all ways possible including education, career or all credentials & signs of existence from birth to present time then to silence family, extended then others they met in their lives while isolating & discrediting them before murdering after using their bodies to cover up the technology use & to void criminal liability of those involved & connected past-present

Ruthless aggressive efforts to isolate & cover up at any & all costs using multiple connecting groups

Splitting the physical body in two

Physical body
Wireless device

Conscious mind operates the physical body through sent & return synapses through neuro-transmitters via the pineal gland area of the conscious mind attached to the physical body at birth as proven in connection to the conscious universe realm in our galaxy & connecting to others

To connect a wireless device to share the physical body with the conscious mind attached or to monitor all physical bodily experiences with capability to take partial to full vocal, physical & psychological - control of the body locking in the consciousness of the initial attached conscious mind at birth

The conscious mind variable is very important separate from the physical body

Traits, habits & routines of the conscious mind versus limitations of the physical body


Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett understands multiple languages & mathematic equations with accuracy & timing then a lot of other areas including neurological technologies then use & how to handle versus being handled

Screaming into the skull - ears or through the mouth & attempting to fight for control of the body does little as Nic may just ignore you while focusing on what he choses to separately even if you inflict pain or injury in attempt to take control of the body or mental state of his in any effort based on which ever motivation & excuse to justify

To rudely interrupt & expect Nic to drop what he is doing or thinking, imagining or remembering while living daily awake or asleep as people involved at the one Ontario neurological technology lab cluster location in question attempted to do between 2012-2024 after prior efforts taken before 2012 dating back before 1999 was & is a waste of time unless Nic agrees to consciously work with those operating at or with the neurological technology lab in question

Otherwise denied. Ignored & focusing on separate interests

Efforts to collectively band administering illegal wireless control & Governance 24/7 including thought control, control of imagination or memory then over the physical functioning of the body then vocal ability including vocabulary & style without a court order or health board order 

CIG SB - RBK Seven 


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