Mass Production - Air Compression Vehicles


Mass Production - Air Compression Vehicles 

The Process

Build - Sell - Maintain - Repurpose

Rinse - Repeat with financial & social trending factors within 



Just a basic air compression vehicle

A car that runs 200 miles on compressed air.

The Simple Concept by Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett 

The vehicle, boat - vessel or aircraft runs off air with complimentary efforts including solar & regenerative braking - air braking & braking tracks

With this concept air is simply sucked into the containers & compressed then utilized in a continual effort then exhausted out as air completing cycle

Accumulative energy efforts complimenting increase performance & available energy with Zero-Emissions

No Fuel - No Battery with a Generator process in approach perspective 

Air in - air out process with a security monitoring system to purge - releasing air at a threshold before an explosion occurs which could ignite a fire on-board or during potential impact

An advanced mechanical slingshot system to get the system moving with a clutch release built in voiding use of electric battery use unless an air battery is uses then self-containing salt - brine lighting & electonics


High performance safe-purge compressed air P.M.E Pneumatic vehicles

S.P.C.A - P.M.E Vehicles by Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett

Mass production metered or free energy vehicles

Equivalent to 400-1000 horsepower units

Mid-engine vehicle separation where the cabin is in front of the engine for safety concerns in accidents & in general with an air purge option to void fire or explosions  

The goal of focusing on composite environmentally friendly fast grown alternative with safe mining materials to achieve this vehicle deign with Zero Emissions

Zero Emissions Process

Section 1

Raw material sourcing
Design & manufacturing including the building & properties used
Packaging & transit

Section 2

Retail sales
Maintenance & service
Re-manufacturing & re-purposing


We do not actually require a fuel source or battery if the configuration is advanced enough merging against today's industry standards or beyond on an international level

No battery. No fuel. Generates it's own energy

No altinatot to battery to offset spent energy with simple axel based regenerative braking

Simply just controlled use of air, maybe solar & a specific design then we can really achieve what I have with some working tangible versus digital prototypes against safety standards & concerns minimizing materials & maximizing strength without decreasing the size of a vehicle

Mid sized to full sized mid engine sedan vehicles

Mid sized to full sized mid engine truck or  SUV vehicles

Mid sized to full sized mid engine commercial light & heavy vehicles

A security monitoring system with fire - explosion extinguishing safety system alongside an air release purge controller with the ability to generate energy as the vehicle is operating using accumulative efforts for heavier vehicle design or light


Part for part & variations of frames & suspension systems then safe modern wired & wireless harnesses for all electronic safety concerns in different crash or impact & other potential scenario based events

These vehicle prototypes work. I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett have working tangible prototypes alongside digital scenario based prototypes available which can be put into mass or smaller production with different investors

I own 51% of the prototypes & innovative - inventive design rights in over 100 countries while H.O.R.B - CIG owns 9% & a Private Interest has 1% leaving opportunity for 39% open investment opportunities if the technology is implemented by different companies & brands or one of our in-house small custom build brand fabrications for different vehicle applications

Unlimited Range or Unlimited Metered Range

Non-battery. No use of any form of Battery variation 


All automotive
Most Marine
All motorcycle
Most recreational powersports
Most Aviation 

Fuel source. Air. Air in, compressed then connected accumulative P.M.E efforts & air release as air


Air compression guns & weaponry then other less popular past air compression vehicles with lower performance are in the equation as motivation to innocent to achieve advanced modern requirements in performance & use to meet zero-emissions 

With locomotives

The weight requirements would require an accumulative P.M.E configuration with modernized steam assisted effort separate from air compression to get the train cars on weighted freight - passenger systems going then regenerative track & cart - train car systems to generate energy from use & slopes offsetting elevation use in spent energy 

All Wheel Drive - Double wishbone front-rear axel standard

Flat axel modern advanced leaf springs coupled with a hybrid double wishbone front-rear axel standard for heavy vehicle  applications 


Approved In-house versus brand

Showroom financing rather than ownership of all physical items new or used on the floor for customers - consumers or business to view & purchase

General Electric GE is one of multiple Showroom Financiers

Vehicle or product until owned versus financed by the retailer

Insurance & security

Cash sales or leasing & bank or private financing options

Registration & licencing

Operators - drivers licencing

Financing fees eat into profit margins of average 40-60% or lower - higher in sales after purchasing from the Brand - Manufacturer which earns an average of 40-60% in profit margins once

The 40-60% profit margins above cost cover all expenses & inflation combating profits to sustain the businesses private infrastructure overall

Seasonal versus old stock discount & used markets

Certified or as-is & partial
Old stock is eventually owned or sold to a third party directly, through other interests or at auction as a partial or full write off to one interest in favor of another to earn a private in the used or old stock market


Owners - shareholders
Service - Parts & Maintenance

Some dealership - retail outlets are connected to owners - shareholders other investments & run at a loss some months then break even or low & fair profits then peak months a higher profit equalling out overall throughout a 12 month, 24 month & 5 year+ monitored span based on different economic factors & efforts at play within or outside their control 

Basic Financial Process

Regardless of business type. Privately held or publicly traded & structure

Revenue - earned dollars
Expenses deducted (overhead)
Profits deducted & allocated

Break even point
Profit point
Profit point with inflation plan

Short - long term expenses
Fixed static expenses
Variable expenses 


Mandatory Sales legislation should include

Basic needs base salary with potential for capped commissions & quarterly bonuses for sales people in all fields

Sales reps or sales persons in retail of all forms to meet the Middle Class to Millionaire Affluent quality of life agenda 


Cost equivalency - Canadian dollar

Mid sized sedan example:

Manufacturing costs

$6,000-7,500 - 11,000-12,500

Retail costs


Manufacturer - company & brand earns their 40-60% profit margin to sustain the business

Retail sales pricing

$20,000-$25,000 averages or less

Retail interests - company & brand earns their 40-60% profit margin to sustain the business

Delivery fees are in the mix then insurance, registration, licensing & plating extra above

Unlimited Range yet time to recharge is required at 200-400 miles or 322-644 kilometres

1-5 minute recharging times

The vehicle self-charges in still motion while partial self charging while in motion until the charge slowly depletes & has to recharge in still motion (sitting still). No plug in. No fuel.

Innovations will increase initial efficency increasing range against performance beyond current models in prototyping available pre-2012 & updates since 


Reference of others - inspiration

A car that runs 200 miles on compressed air


Technically I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett could integrated multiple P.M.E accumulative energy variations together including Helicopter blade based high output energy generation & extraction in a safe contained controlled environment to create available endless excess energy which could be repurposed for different use


A fixed annual low rate metered fee connected to the vehicles odometer & moving sensors monitoring use

Stopping - braking

Tax base - for the Middle Class - Affluent Agenda
Manufactures R&D fee for maintenence & remanufacturing - repurposing 

In Canada equivalency - using a Diesel - Fuel perspective

For example, a journey of 560 km, a consumption of 10 L / 100 km and a cost of $ 1.25 per litre of gasoline at the pump.

560 * (10/100) = 22.5 litres

22.5 * 1.25$ = 70$

0.05 * 22.5 = $1.125
0.25 * 22.5 = $5.625 

Canadian dollars

With S.P.C.A - P.M.E vehicle platforms

An equivalent per litre of $0.05-0.25 & a permanent cap of 0.25 regardless of uncontrolled versus controlled inflationary factors based on kilometres travelled against hypothetical air consumption through the system as an effort to meter & tax deviding between two sources being Government - Public Tax Base & Manufacturer - Brand


We are able to scale back an area in some of our majority controlled manufacturing facilities & open new manufacturing plants connected to produce In-house S.P.C.A - P.M.E vehicle platforms on a smaller, medium or mass scale separate from partnered manufacturing in over 100 countries to meet demand for Zero-Emissions

Production unit capabilities

1-25+ million or under 50 at current capacity capabilities in house using a newly developing economies of scale in standardized & upgrade parts separate from approved aftermarket  

Contract opportunities for production

51% / 9% / 1% / 39% in ownership & fee inclusion in the mix if larger brands want to capitalize on the platform they enjoy 39% / 100% in the engine - energy platform for their units sharing a percentage of the total unit profit including innovations with H.O.R.B-CIG maintaining international standards in the use of the technology & connected technologies 

Third party engine - collaboration with the brand - manufacturer 


If Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett earns 15-30% profits of the entire 100% of each vehicle at 51% of that percentage (15-30%) being the energy source - motor in the build unit which equals between $900-1875 at total cost of units between $6000.00-$12,500.00 then 51% share in returns on those components in the build at $459-956.25 per unit for Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett

$459,000,000.00 - $956,250,000.00 in earnings per unit on 1 million units sold

If the design & manufacturing is In-House  the percentage earnings of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett with other stakeholders increases

Potential for resale returns if Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett & other stakeholders invest in the Dealership - Retail networks at whichever percentage 


We can easily develop equivalent modern new S.P.C.A - P.M.E heavy equipment units then specific aftermarket conversion kits for some designs


We can easily develop equivalent modern new S.P.C.A - P.M.E heavy equipment units then specific aftermarket conversion kits for some designs


All features with a goal to minimize moving parts to lower maintenance costs & wear-tear to increase efficency & reliability for multi-use options


Mandatory regulated safe health - environmentally sustainable

Heating - Air conditioning for climate controls

Mechanical windows - emergency exit points paired to automated with enhanced security provisions

Mechanical door locks paired to automated with enhanced security provisions

Salt-brine interior - cosmetic exterior safe lighting & fog - distance control lighting options lowering energy consumption

Advanced security & safety including energy purge - monitoring & extinguish monitors to void rare spontaneous or impact related fire & explosion then force based biological occupant injuries in a safe roll caged low cost cabin

Using economies of scale in different light, medium & heavy advanced forms or combination  

Safe basic race car like seating for ages 0-17, 18-100+ with impact & terrain setting capabilities

Advanced suspension options for hazard & impact resistence to protect occupants

Speedometer, odometer, kilometer tracking & part - wear monitoring

Floating part transmissions 

Disc brakes in basic, mid level & advanced form even on air brake applications as standard then mandatory basic suspension kits


Interior finishing materials
Updated electronics
Advance lighting covers

Weight reduction + performance upgrades 

Performance range P.M.E extenders increasing by 100+ Miles or Kilometres

Trend Setting - Industry Standards

A Super Sport Race Car - Motocross Mindset in developing advanced affordable quality vehicles for the masses with the best safety standards on the planet otherwise we fall short

Seamless "tight" feeling in mechanical - digital moving parts & door fixtures including advanced power steering

Hybrid by wire - advanced transmissions with automatic, paddle shift & traditional manual capabilities alongside performance setting maps & custom mapping for different purpose 

On the fly: performance adjustments based on terrain, conditions & cargo or passenger weight distribution

A solid state - part & chassis development with X - design features to maximize strength & minimize weight while creating a semi-fleshible shatterproof design that can survive an impact & settle back to its original state using composite materials & precision CNC machined billet options at a low cost. Minimal moving parts
Rebound in impact protection

In-house parts use - H.O.R.B-CIG by Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett

Shared parts in different sizing & quality standards from light, medium to heavy - advanced

Wired & wireless harnesses combinations


Tires & voiding toxic material waste

Fast-grown bio-rubber & rubber tree sap extract coupled with sustainable seaweed waste processed to make sustainable rubber tires that can decompose is a global possibility in different variations

Gone will be the days of crumpling up old vehicles & discarding or gasification of if not land fill burrials of toxic materials in automotive or other applications with new materials processing in raw material sourcing & use in design with manufacturing then repurposing & re-manufacturing practices


Gasoline - Diesel Taxes - Ontario Canada

While the tax rate on this area is as it is in 2024 the Government tax base will have to strategically shift into a transition creatively looking in other areas with P.M.E vehicle registration

"Energy as a basic need feeds a strong economy so over taxing such with zero-emissions does nothing to meet the Agenda in which I created. My conscious opinion" - Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett

Gasoline tax rates. The tax rates are: 14.7¢ per litre of unleaded gasoline. Effective July 1, 2022 until June 30, 2024, the gasoline tax rate on unleaded gasoline will be reduced from 14.7 cents per litre to 9.0 cents per litre, representing a cut of 5.7 cents per litre. 17.7¢ per litre of leaded gasoline.,Gasoline%20tax%20rates,per%20litre%20of%20leaded%20gasoline


A fixed annual low rate metered fee connected to the vehicles odometer & moving sensors monitoring use

Stopping - braking

Tax base - for the Middle Class - Affluent Agenda
Manufactures R&D fee for maintenence & remanufacturing - repurposing 

In Canada equivalency - using a Diesel - Fuel perspective

For example, a journey of 560 km, a consumption of 10 L / 100 km and a cost of $ 1.25 per litre of gasoline at the pump.

560 * (10/100) = 22.5 litres

22.5 * 1.25$ = 70$

0.05 * 22.5 = $1.125
0.25 * 22.5 = $5.625 

Canadian dollars

With S.P.C.A - P.M.E vehicle platforms

An equivalent per litre of $0.05-0.25 & a permanent cap of 0.25 regardless of uncontrolled versus controlled inflationary factors based on kilometres travelled against hypothetical air consumption through the system as an effort to meter & tax deviding between two sources being Government - Public Tax Base & Manufacturer - Brand

Copyrights - Patents - Trademarks

On inventive - innovative approach perspective in over 100 countries belong to H.O.R.B-CIG & Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett

In all use on this technology for any application from weaponry & security defence to automotive, marine & aviation then everything between 

Grid & contained energy systems  


Starting off with a micro-economies of scale beta run for 2025-2026

Class 2 Mid-Engine Vehicles in three styles including an advanced frame system

Cargo Van
Pick Up Truck

Class 2 is subdivided into two categories

2A (6,001-8,500 pounds or less) with towing capacity of 14,000 pounds

2B (8,501-10,000 pounds or less) with towing capacity of 30,000 pounds

Pricing between $15,000-$30,000 Canadian dollars capped permanently with efforts to combat inflationary concerns fluctuating parts - maintenance & the entire production - manufacturing process

Low & fair profits using a volume based additive with other external aspects to justify

Additional non-standard luxuries & approved aftermarket parts & accessories extra

Aftermarket & Ground-Up trailers which add extra power using the S.P.C.A - P.M.E energy system

Frozen or non-frozen cargo freight trailers or for camping, clamping - live in year round seasonal camping


Cypress Motors - In-House H.O.R.B-CIG

S.P.C.A - P.M.E Air Compressor

Class 2A-2B Sedan, Van, Truck

Class 2B Commercial Van
56 Passenger Tour Bus
Flat truck
Articulating Air Trailer (Semi-truck)

Haul Trucks


Construction - Mining - Farming + Agriculture


We can use recycled aluminum cans or steel to create composite framing & components using different CNC - Billet production moulds

While consumer based recycling cycles back into the production system a lot is wasted in the process

Gasification with landfill-waste & recycling on a smaller scale still generates Co2 emissions yet we can repurpose a lot of materials from different industry in short-long term consumption using a re-manufacturing & re-purposing of different disposed - used products & packaging for the use in such platforms in mass production 

This includes Ocean - Sea based excess waste mixed with fast-growing renewable environmentally health focused safe non-toxic materials
This cuts down raw material sourcing requirements & creates a use - reuse cycle in multiple industries lowering landfill waste & recycling inefficiencies


Energy Plant S.P.C.A - P.M.E Volume Classe Percentages

 365 day volume sales & annual reset

A compounded effort where the more approved units within each section sold you move from first to second then third category sections which give the investor opportunity to enjoy a larger percentage of return in a similar form of a discount based on volume sales 

Class 1 - Units Sold

51% - Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett 
9% - H.O.R.B-CIG
1% - Private Interest 
39% - Open Investment 

Section 1

First 500,000 units

Section 2

First 1 million units

Section 3

First 2 million units

Section 4

First 10 million units

Class 2 - Units Sold

31% - Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett 
9% - H.O.R.B-CIG
1% - Private Interest 
59% - Open Investment 

Section 1

Second 500,000 units

Section 2

Second 1 million units

Section 3

Second 2 million units

Section 4

Second 10 million units

Class 3 - Units Sold

11% - Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett 
9% - H.O.R.B-CIG
1% - Private Interest 
79% - Open Investment 

Section 1

Third 500,000 units

Section 2

Third 1 million units

Section 3

Third 2 million units

Section 4

Third 10 million units


All Power Tools & Residential - Commercial Indoor Interior - Outdoor Exterior power tools or appliances & equipment can be converted to S.P.C.A - P.M.E Air Compression effectively in different sizes

Directly connected contained S.P.C.A - P.M.E Air Compression units or plug in to a stationary S.P.C.A - P.M.E Air Compression system that can be installed permanently or wheeled around depending on size 


Inspired Chassis Design

Floating Basic Shaft Drive using Super Sport & 450 Motocrosser & a Team Associated TC4 Race Roller as inspiration

Class 1 - GVWR 0 to 6,000 pounds (Ford Maverick and Ford Ranger)
Class 2 - GVWR 6,001 to 10,000 pounds (Ford F-150 and Ford F-250 Super Duty)
Class 3 - GVWR 10,001 to 14,000 pounds (Ford F-350 Super Duty)
Class 4 - GVWR 14,001 to 16,000 pounds (Ford F-450 Super Duty)
Class 5 - GVWR 16,001 to 19,500 pounds (Ford F-550 Super Duty)
Class 6 - GVWR 19,501 to 26,000 pounds (Ford F-650 Super Duty)
Class 7 - GVWR 26,001 to 33,000 pounds (Ford F-750 Super Duty)
Class 8 - GVWR Over 33,000 pounds (Semi Trucks)

Doing 8-27 turn equivalency with a light weight design on chassis then controlled energy source. Low cost. Efficient & incredibly strong yet with designed ability to flex on impact to void shattering components all with a minimal component mindset fusing all parts

400-1000 average horsepower with 1000-10,000+ equivalency in acceleration & overall with equal torque 

Brushless motor & altinator system combined using the S.P.C.A - P.M.E accumulative energy technology

Light Duty Trucks

Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 trucks are each considered light duty trucks. This includes models like the compact Ford Maverick, midsize Ford Ranger, and full-size Ford F-150. Select Ford F-250 Super Duty models may fall into this category as well, depending on configuration. Although they make up the light duty segment, these models are still ready to work as hard as your business demands. They’re great options for light duty tasks such as commuting, delivery, field research, landscaping, painting, trades, and much more.

Medium Duty Trucks

Medium duty trucks include Class 4, Class 5, and Class 6 trucks. If your business or trade requires greater capability or muscle, Ford medium duty trucks offer the perfect solution with a virtually limitless range of upfitter options. For example, landscaping or construction businesses can choose a dump body while other delivery services can select a box truck option to expand their productivity. Sitting in the middle of the commercial truck range, medium duty trucks represent a combination of affordability and capability.  

Heavy Duty Trucks

For those who need maximum power and capability, heavy duty trucks include classes 7 and 8 along with tractor-trailers. Since these trucks have the highest GVWRs, it’s also important to remember that federal and state regulations may dictate if you need a CDL (commercial driver’s license) in order to legally operate these trucks. CDLs are broken down into three classes - class a, class b, and class c. You can typically expect to have at least a class b license in order to operate a heavy duty truck. Examples of heavy duty trucks can include three-axle tractor-trailers or simple-unit dump trucks with a GVWR that exceeds 33,000 pounds. 

Team Associated TC4

TC4 Club Racer is an excellent platform for Spec Class racing, drifting, and on-road racing.

The TC4 Club Racer is an excellent platform for Spec Class racing, drifting and for racers who want to try on-road racing without breaking the bank.

The TC4 Club Racer's pre-built chassis includes all of the features you would expect from Team Associated, and is ready to accept most 1:10 scale touring, VTA, and drift car bodies, and 1:10 wheels, tires and electronics.

Build your dream car with the many Factory Team accessories and upgrade parts now available.

TC4 shown on these pages equipped with items NOT included in kit: Reedy motor, battery, ESC, servo, XP receiver, wheels, tires, body, and pinion gear. Assembly and painting required.

This vehicle needs extra parts to make it operational. Click on the SPECS tab above to see what extra equipment you may need to make the vehicle operational, such as batteries.

TC4 photos shown on these pages equipped with items NOT included in kit: Reedy motor, battery, ESC, servo, XP receiver, wheels, tires, body, and pinion gear. Body comes clear. Assembly and painting required.


Pre-built "race roller" chassis ready to accept most 1:10 scale touring car electronics, bodies, wheels and tires

Efficient shaft drive system with blue anodized drive shaft

Rear ball differential with lightweight composite outdrives

Front spool to ensure maximum power delivery to all four wheels in low traction conditions

Lightweight composite CVD drive bones

Composite VCS fluid filled shocks with adjustable ride height

22 precision ball bearings included

Machined aluminum motor mount with cooling-fins for increased heat dissipation

Impact-resistant, lightweight front bumper system

Many Factory Team accessories and upgrades available



As partial inspiration. Governors on speed controls for mass market automotive applications - on-off road

Greatest RC Touring Car Race Ever! - IFMAR 1/10th World championships A final leg 3 - From RC Racing


Component design

I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett like my brother Jordan used to just support Great Hobbies in Canada prior to 1999 & post due to lack of hobby stores

I look at these components alongside racing marine, automotive & aviation as a reference for inspiration in developing parts & concepts for potential smaller or mass production solutions including my S.P.C.A - P.M.E Accumulative range designs

In the early 2000's a 3000 pack & synthesis in radios with brushed motors before mass production brushless was a big deal compared to modern options including debates over shafts & belts in drive trains or floating versus connected transmissions then flexible light weight versus light weight shatter risk on frames & components for an edge in track race timing

I prefer a 450 motocross mix with RC Remote Control Enthusiasts race with Racing in the mix when looking at quality part & overall design conceptualization

Touring road race & stadium truck or buggy race

Team Associated - Track Race
On-off road with custom components
Spectrum Radios - Synthesized
Lipo - light or hybrid & hard shell 7.2 V batteries
NiMH 3000-5000 / 8000+ 7.2 V batteries
Quick chargers


Advanced receiver
Advanced speed control
Advanced servos
Motor power systems
Brushless competition 8-27 turn motors
Brushed competition 8 to 27 turn (27 is stock) motor options aftermarket
Micro-altinator to increase range
Lightweight cooling fans
Custom CNC billet lightweight parts
Custom race wheels & tire compounds

Always the best quality in everything or a variety from mid level to advanced once skill & knowledge is there for use & maintenance


Severe Solar Storms G4-G5 Level


Compressed Air - Vehicles + Pneumatic History

Air Compression - Suspension Fork Air Powered Engine

Composite + Metal Fencing

Roof Decor Turbines

Plastic 5 Gallon Drum Boat Build


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