Moving to France - Saint Lucia 2025


Moving to France - Saint Lucia 2025

Leaving Canada permanently & giving up Canadian & American citizenship up before 2029 through a personal asset versus CIG SB - RBK Seven restructure effort after obtaining France or other EU & Saint Lucia



Looking for a new suitor to date & potentially enjoy a marriage with children with security & financial constraints in strategy

High Profile - Celebrity Scientist Investor Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett 


Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett

September 1, 1985. European background born North Bay Ontario Canada

Multi-lingual. Scientist - Investor

Main credentials 

Engineer - Physicist MD - MBA Pilot - Commercial Driver 

Secondary focus

Actor, writer, director & musician

Saint Lucia
France - Monaco

H.I.3 Case due to the one Ontario neurological technology lab cluster

Giving up Canadian citizenship
Giving up US Naturalization deal from early 2000's with Michael Persinger & Dr Mary Koslov

CIG SB - RBK Seven

3 Holdings

North - South America

European - African - Middle East

Oceania - Asian - Island Nation


Rothschild - Bennett EU share in one bank

Banking options



Due to the one Ontario neurological technology lab cluster locations efforts taken between 2012-2024 & prior to 2012 dating back before 1999 created our disinterest in living in or spending time in Canada & multiple areas of the USA 

We cannot override a restructure with the North American Holdings company for the CIG SB - RBK Seven in the international structure to allow for personal banking in Canada or USA as the earnings are sent through an international source through New York City & Montreal to a European source for the group 

Funds would have to be redirected back to North America with fees associated & taxation which goes against the Tax Haven strategy in place for the group 

We cover taxes on the companies, brands & businesses then projects & right based term leasing on projects with collaborative interests then leased or owned properties then assets including fixed preserved or depreciating within North America like in other continents strategically cutting expenses & driving profits from fair to higher yields monitoring daily events in 195 countries against archived  

Property taxes 
Asset - consumable or fixed & depreciating
Assets - preserved - maintained 

Salaries - wages in taxation - Minority & Majority controlled companies

Board of directors 
Contract term employees 
Rights - royalty based 

International investment market access fees in over 60 countries   

CIG SB - RBK Seven 

European Based - International Investment Group valued at over US $600 Billion between investment's & personal accumulated wealth of 14 people 

Main 14 Investors 
Connected investors 

Wealth management strategies on personal portfolios & CIG SB - RBK Seven


We have connected family members living in over 60 countries connected to over 100

Rothschild - Savage - Bennett family bloodlines

Christian - Jewish - Muslim - Bevarian Sect

White Skinned
Russian - Down from Alaska Migration Metis Skinned
Black Skinned

The comedy associated. Niger. Nigro. Negro. Black person (choose appropriate option )

There is a lot of safe comedy appropriate for the mixed bloodlines & others connected within the group & the small investors sect of the Bevarian Finance group Patrick Rothschild - Bennett & Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett

Over 1 billion connected to 2-5+ billion with just under 1.5 billion threats of over 8.1 billion people alive (2024) 


CIG SB - RBK Seven legal representation

Karen Fellici connected to over 100 law firms in over 60 countries

M.S.P-M.C.G Murder City Security representation of 100-200 international interests connected to over 100 law firms in over 60 countries

H.I.3 Case Scheme of 100-200 international interests connected to over 100 law firms in over 60 countries

Advanced investigations - drafts, technologies, monitoring, tracking & tracing to protect using international law strategically in all professional & private decision making from a capitalist mindset 

Can do in a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly schedule or cannot do & adjustments 

Middle Class to Affluent Millionaires have more disposable income expanding the economy & maintaining which offers more opportunities for our investments & others to flourish

Coats driven down & maintained & wages + quality of like up  


What is good for a countries borders & airspace then imports - exports

The economic activity within

Quality of life

Middle class to affluent millionaire or higher lifestyles

The disinterest in lower class lifestyles

Opportunity, interests & daily life socially - financially & safety

Any one thing we do can negatively affect on a smaller or larger scale so safe efforts to raise attention to inflict positive legal & private change for the better of the majority rather than minority groups is important

This otherwise everyone is affected immediately & long-term

When you travel outside the borders & airspace you join the foreign country in every way possible while connected to your home country of citizenship as a guest with their laws & perspective for whichever purpose 


Daily life 1985-2024 in review then intervention by those operating at & with the one Ontario neurological technology lab cluster locations as investigated by Michael Persinger & Dr Mary Koslov then later M.S.P-M.C.G Murder City invested interests connecting in over 60 countries 

People putting themselves in charge of the body, life & experiences of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett with no court order or health board

The location in question known as the one Ontario neurological technology lab cluster location had lured Nic in for something else & connected his body then sent him on his way then moved the device & informed him over a year later leaving him unmanned 50-98% of the time up until 2012 of November when they began their attacks manning the body 75-99% of the time between 2012-2024


Stakeholders - Building

Stakeholders - Device at Building


Operating Handlers

Past-present 24 hour rotational teams

Volunteers & guests flown in & driven


Persons & groups connected to those operating at the location housing the device illegally connected to the body of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett

People & groups contacted then others connected past-present

No court order - no health board order - no power of attorney or conservatorship

No legal right within or outside of Canada to revoke adult rights of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett directly, wirelessly or through other people between ages 16-38/39 (2001-2024) while Rod & Marie Savage Bennett were legal guardians between 1985-2000

Karen Fellici born 1976 & team has legally represented Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett since 2001 while Tatiana Bigarda born 1992 became a Financial Advisor in 2012 then later joined the CIG SB - RBK Seven
The efforts taken by those operating at & with the one Ontario neurological technology lab cluster locations between 2012-2024 involve nothing but criminal, illegal & fraudulent acts with criminal negligence & malpractice in separate form from efforts taken between the 1980's-2011


Karen Fellici is requesting US 200 Billion & will settle for now no less than US 100 Billion with right to crate & store the full body neurological sciences & technology equipment used prior to 1999 in question for client Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett 

Calculated damages for only Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett despite leaked information pertaining to the CIG SB - RBK Seven in losses as Nic & Patrick completed an advanced restructure strategy to address losses prior to 2012 & post focusing on a strategy to recoup & profit before 2029

The crated neurological technology devices pertaining to the CIG SB - RBK Seven will be stored in a private bunker permanently under court order with advanced security 


Citizenship - Main life

Monaco - St Lucia - Switzerland in the mix

Monaco Apartment
St Lucia Vacation Property

Secondary Investments 

Côte d'Azur Large Villa
Connected Vacation options in the Alps

CIG SB - RBK Seven Investments
Personal Investments
Term contract projects


A chill relaxed lower stress lifestyle with controlled social - physical enviroments permanently daily regardless with focus on health - dental to prolong life expectancy past 110 as per goal with advanced security & health care options

Higher stress in controlled enviroments for different projects & purpose 



Daily, weekly & quarterly then annually with 5+ year plans in place against investments on a personal level

Controlled safe interests with advanced security 

Screened social interests for events & term projects


Investments & pesonal wealth management set to a daily monitoring partial automated system against archived & current events with hundreds of thousands of scenarios in contracting - expanding efforts to balance on a quarterly schedule

Lost costs - highest financial yields perspective 
Focus & ability to differentiate from reality & content or scenarios & entertainment 


Technology acting as a second conscious mind allowing a team or software & or advanced AI software to monitoring & or monitoring & controlling 24/7 


How permanent & detachable full body drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll technology with associated software & team based practices work

How we exist consciously in the conscious mind behind the eyes

The consciousness is within the pineal gland & is attached at birth & operates the physical body via neuro-transmitters sending synapses through the physical brain & body

Permanent or detachable

You act like a second consciousness attaching a wireless device rather than brain chipping to the physical body so you can access the same capabilities as the conscious mind within the pineapple gland acting as a second consciousness monitoring with the ability to take control of the physical body partially to almost dully locking in the conscious mind sharing the body with

Voice to skull - ears

Voice through mouth - disabling vocal abilities to send your voice through the mouth of the subject candidate

See through eyes
Hear through ears
Monitor all other senses

Ability to take control of all circulation - blood flow, muscles, nerves, internal organ - organ function & monitoring of using different unmaned, normal, detention & execution or a combination of practices 


Some technology can be disconnected from the body & we can even extract memory from the conscious mind to a server or external hard drive 

Birth & month to month extraction

360 degree behind the body using sight to recreate

First person sight - using vision with hearing & all senses

All thought, imagination & memory then psychological - mental function & vocal experience with physical & non-vocal silent body language based communication or a combination 

This is the factor with one device connected to a body yet we have successfully connected subject candidates to one-six devices with software controlled by a team or the subject 

Advanced software & expert analysis on memory extraction over the natural state & growth ages 0-6, 7-11, 12-17, 18-25+ 


Similar to the conscious mind attachment at birth   

Based on neurological sciences & technology experience

The physical feeling connected to the conscious mind within the pineal gland with physical chemical - water content & physical touch then emotional feeling in experience through use of the brain & body which extends to dopamine content  & fully developed body parts versus injured & or underdeveloped or altered in the experience which creates area for external medication & diet-exercise based balancing to align with a level normal effect

In death we expect a 50% chance that a conscious realm exists as an alternative dimension known as the 4th from the 2d - 3d plane of physical earth within earth's atmosphere & within our galaxy & others in the Universe

In the death realm our conscious mind connected to a larger source with all past life experiences then conscious mind copies of newer life experiences as the Universe grows & available life forms we can enter as a free agent based on different karmatic review options from any given or a selection of past lives to experience for our larger conscious self
Life origins theory by Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett based on documentation of all archived world events & fact with modern states that this could be factual & does explain why modern Governance requires restrictions & demerit on earth for those living within earth's atmosphere rather than to release to karmatic temporary punishment before achieving free agent - rebirth status in the conscious real without a physical body 

Pain can be experienced in the physical body & in the conscious mind realm outside of the body & this is how people have achieved physical positive experience versus negative in daily life or in reaction & respond or while communicating

Remote viewing or esoteric Astral travel within the confines of earth's atmosphere or controlled in out galaxy or others & conscious travel versus a manufactured digital neurological sciences technology based replica mocking this experience & ability connecting between the second, third & fourth dimensions between physical & conscious mind experience
Literary text of ancient versus modern scientific experiment in understanding the consiocus mind versus physical state all analysed together against modern neurological - sciences & technology with advancing software to analyze leads us to answered questions against different collective & singular theories & concepts on biological life & evolution then earth's history, events & archives
Adding in advanced mathematical equations into the mix against findings & experiments leads us to a lot of potentials at 50-99% rather than less than 50%

The Big Bang & other theories use a nothing point to an explosion that involves an expanding to slowing existence of space debris & elements that lead to our galaxy with gravitational pull around the sun

This is correct in some ways & incorrect in other ways

Basis in creationism gives a wand like building a house with lumber in how everything that was & is was created by one being & we are in his image which is correct in some ways but incorrect in others

The conscious realm & older conscious beings versus copies then the expanding growing & developing Universe of galaxies in the conscious universe does no work on a conscious - biological devide as many would imagine

The structure of the conscious realm versus physical Universe in which we connect into is within itself connected yet the conscious body is permanent & physical bodies are born in a cycle & die in time due different factors


An area of Governance suppressed this fact multiple times as to create different law & religious belief Governance & karmatic factors to use pain, fear & control to control different human beings & life forms on earth so they expect atheism is 50% accurate & the reality that you experience this one body & lifeform once 

Nothing exists or existed before birth & nothing exists after physical death while we state the brain & consciousness is one physical state with the physical brain devided into different areas without considering the conscious mind & that aspect as a hybrid fact  

This creates fear of death & effort to preserve & longevity with law & Governance so you do not negatively affect others or yourself regardless of the pain trigger in experience 

The human being in all race & bloodlines today on a physical level are a mix of species based on evolution in different evolving continents with meteor rock intelligent life intervening in the biological make up & structure with a mix of modern race of insect, animal, mammal which includes since extinct variations or others based on factors like climate change
Rooted life variations in all ecosystems in the atmosphere, under water & within earth's crust today versus biological evolution over time 


The Universe is like a sand box & we as free agents tap into biological births to experience a physical life before returning to our larger consiocus selves in the conscious realm as before birth in death  

Physical life constraints versus conscious realm life constraints & review

Physical life hierarchies & history on different planets versus conscious realm hierarchies & history  

Physical world developed laws & social norms versus conscious realm social norms
Ability to view a conscious source experiencing a physical life from the conscious realm despite hierarchies & structure in that aligned world connected to the physical Universe

The theory of earth bound - fourth dimensional ghosts comes from this reality with some conscious minds attached to physical bodies & separate technologies created by being able to pick up on their effort to experience the physical earth using a conscious realm body rather than an attached birth to experience the physical 


The hierarchies within & original consciousness families versus copies & growth in the realm of existence then massive esoteric conscious libraries on origins of life consciously

Our higher source conscious bodies & experience including while attached into a physical birth & life experience

Physical - biological body

Conscious - awake
Sub-conscious - asleep

All based on neurological sciences & technology research & experimentation then earth's history with review of today's modern 195 countries of perspectives & experiences archived against modern daily experience & scenarios

Some conscious minds in an attached birth can access the higher source realm & reiterate past lives within a century or prior if they had experienced on that planet in a specific biological life form while others are restricted for different purpose after conscious realm karmic review separate from physical life karmic review
Some countries of 195 have different terms with the same meaning in different language & content

Physical Solar system or galaxy

Same exact meaning in the larger Universe in space then interactions within & between

CIG SB - RBK Seven 


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