Canadians Not Welcome - 194 Country


Canadians Not Welcome - 194 Country 

H.O.R.B The House of Rothschild Bennett not Rothschild family has declared War against Canada in 2012 with no end to conflict yet in 2024 alongside over 5 Billion international interests 

H.I.3 Case

Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett 

Billionaire in a Trillionaire Group


The Canadians are not welcome in any of 194 countries for their efforts taken against H.O.R.B-CIG & S.B-CIG including the body & life of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett

If Canadians are found outside of Canada the Knights Templar alongside connected interests will knock them into Neurological Technology Networks & they will be wirelessly held down, drained of financial assets & investors

We will be allowing specific screened Canadian groups to travel for term Private Sector + Public Sector focused travel

We will be allowing specific screened Canadian groups to travel for term Private Sector + Public Sector or Personal Sector to access International Investments or Content

We do not require Canadian Tourists or Term Work Visa holders 


2024-2029. The last year's of Canada as a country & population before the new NAS North American Settlement transition & restructure

Hyperactive Watersports

2012-2024. John Kittler 
Retired owner. Calgary - Chestermere

The North Bay - Ottawa Neurological Technology Threat Labs had used employees + interests at & connected to Hyperactive Watersports between 2012-2024 alongside over 100,000 Private Sector interests within the borders of Canada  


Knights Templar 

39,500,000 Canadians will be connected to one-six Neurological Technology Threat Lab

Just under 500,000 Canadians will remain alive past 2029 in the global counter attacks against Canada over the attacks on H.O.R.B-CIG & S.B-CIG


The damages are going to be transferred to US & International Banking accounts of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett 


100 Million Americans are executing the US - Americans caught involved operating with the responsible Neurological Technology Threat Labs in Ontario Canada that operated against H.O.R.B-CIG & S.B-CIG


2-5+ Billion Citizens in over 100 countries of 8.1 Billion human beings alive including those close to death & new births are with H.O.R.B-CIG & S.B-CIG  in our global counter efforts against Canada & those connected operating prior to 1999, 1993 & again prior to 2011 & again between 2012-2024 


A large scale global retaliation against Canada & the Canadians then those caught operating with outside the borders & airspace of Canada & those that attempt to flee the country before 2029 & Estates of those involved in or outside Canada since deceased 

Paid & draft + hostage or prisoner draft personnel operating within & outside the border & airspace of Canada have to knock all Canadians into Knights Templar Neurological Technology Networks

20% or more of all Canadians are already knocked into different Neurological Technology Networks 

Highly trained or Neurological Technology controlled draft personnel that have to do their job maintaining a double life with main & secondary accurate to their own while doubling as in secret

The Canadians can plead guilty in their Law-Courts with Media or they will be executed from the inside out painfully wirelessly 

Memory Extraction - Neuro-Strike 

The Canadians Pay... Financially + In - Pain

A mild, moderate to severe + extreme Neuro-Strike with specific techniques based on person in comparison to efforts taken against Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett between 2012-2024 after separate efforts taken prior to 2012 dating back before 1999 & 1993 

1-1000+ times worse mistreatment before 2029. Negotiations dictate the future of over 30 Million lives which end if the negotiations do nor work out after failed negotiations between 1999-2024 including smaller & larger scale global counter attacks 

Standardized versus Threat Labs 


Pop Goes the World or Weasel

The Brains of the Canadians died

See... this is what happens when you do what is not Lawful to the wrong group on planet Earth & negotiations to legally settle are met with continual counter attacks on the same attack victims repeatedly as its been between 2012-2024 & prior to 2012 dating back before 1999 & 1993

Government of Canada

All interests in the Government of Canada past-present

Intelligence CSIS - CSEC + DND

Military - Naval - Airforce

Specific exceptions operating with the Knights Templar

Canadian Banking

Bank of Canada & all Canadian Banking institutions

Specific exceptions operating with the Knights Templar

Canadian Private Sector

High profile - celebrity + athlete & other

Specific exceptions operating with the Knights Templar

Canadian Public Status

Human Citizens in Canada

Specific exceptions operating with the Knights Templar


Brains Connected - People Monitored

Unmanned monitoring

Unmanned + psych intervention

Normal - Detention - Execution Practices

Memory Extraction + Analysis

Voice to skull - ears
Voice through mouth

Partial to full loss of muscle control & internal organ control on command or return to unmanned

Over 25,000 techniques


Drafts overseeing drafts ensure the investigation & orders are carried out otherwise draft groups administer Neuro-Strike attacks on draft personnel + others

Executions do occur in natural hazard occurrence phenomenon which is rare


This geographic area has advanced Policing & Neurological Technology in effect involving specific personnel in Standardized Labs versus Neuro-Strike swarms for those caught voiding interest in law alongside other provisions  

Knights Templar +

Wireless Neuro-Straight Jacket 

Neuro-Strike efforts demobilize your body & cause pain with temporary or permanent injuries while your eyes experience blurred focus & vision phenomenon

Psychological - mental warfare then specific efforts to control & lock in your consciousness catatonically leaving you under control

Detachable advanced full body drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll technology with associated software

A push of a button the body is connected
A push of a button memory is extracted to server or hard drive
A push a button body is disconnected 

The Canadians are going to feel mild, moderate, severe & extreme levels of pain repeatedly before 2029 while their simple main & secondary lives are maintained under watch & control wirelessly with Basic Needs met at the minimum based on equivalent standards those responsible applied on Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett between 2012-2024 after separate efforts taken prior to 2012 dating back before 1999 & 1993 


The Canadians will never be a Free-Country or Free-Society on Earth again now with Neurological Technology involved for different interests within & outside the borders & airspace of Canada

We are not tolerating any one person & or group that had filtered through the responsible Neurological Technology Threat Labs operating in North Bay - Ottawa affecting H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG between 2012-2024 & prior to 2012 dating back before 1999 & 1993

Cease fire negotiations will involve unmanned monitoring for specific Canadians while others will be partially to fully controlled with advanced recognition software to void motor - muscle control based on object or scenario based social - physical recognition


Your body explodes

The ouch ouch... ouch. Yeah - ouch

Contracting in within then expansion pushing against the skin with muscles outward & sounds in your head like a theme then voices

A vocal reaction perhaps

Explode... then almost past a threshold of danger where bones fracture, broken & pain alongside more pain

Then if your slotted for execution explode & unclean kills your body parts do & your deceased

One flip of a switch & speaker on the inside of you like a transitor radio

An explosion. Like fire works

The fire cracka. Killed from the inside out



H.O.R.B - CIG 


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