Gender Facts. H.I.3 Case


Gender Facts. H.I.3 Case


Males in H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG included Peter, Tim & Patrick 

The remainder are females or altered experimental female birth human beings 

In the case we use Sydney Bennett representing a male & female version of Sydney using real people which met in the early to mid 1990’s as children in Sudbury through Carly Koslov of Los Angeles, Thousand Oaks & North Hollywood 

Nicole Sydney Bennett 

Born 1985, September 1 North Bay Civic Site hospital. Female birth 

Raised in Sudbury & Montreal 

Sydney Nicola Bennett

Born 1985, September 1 North Bay Scollard Site hospital. Female birth 

Raised in North Bay & area 


We represent in the case Sydney Nicola Bennett as a straight - heterosexual male using a modern conservative approach for a purpose against Neurological Technology Threat Labs versus Standardized Neurological Technology Labs with conscious choice 

A secondary legal name of Sydney Nicola Bennett was Nicholas James Joseph Bennett 

Transgender androgynous aspect of the two women 

Nicole Sydney Bennett was raised as a Tom boyish person that claims to be a bisexual & was involved in Neurological Technology Research through Michael Persinger & Dr Mary Koslov in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada 

Sydney Nicola Bennett was raised as a Tom boyish person that is only attracted to the female gender or A-sexual - non-Sexual & was involved was involved in Neurological Technology Research through Michael Persinger & Dr Mary Koslov in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada 

Sydney Nicola Bennett was transitioned to being an androgynous transmale between 1989-1995 with updates before 2005 with separate efforts taken between 2013-2015, 2018-2022

Neurological Technology Threat + Standardized labs had knocked different family members & extended then others the two met into networks to monitor & control them to cover up efforts involving Threat Labs in Ontario while expecting to cover up different negligence over gender - sexuality & Standardized versus Threat Lab based research 

The Neurological Technology Threat Labs operating in North Bay - Ottawa had attempted to control Sydney Bennett using a rewritten history based on past control efforts - dictated versus conscious decisions taken before 1999, 1993 & again before 2011 then again between 2011-2024

Manipulation of memory using imagination & editing to alter the past using Neurological Technology equipment with software altered the reality from fact to a designed - manufactured slight variation changing specific details & daily life against what Michael Persinger & Dr Mary Koslov with connected teams had available since before 1995 & prior to 2012 operating in favor of the North Bay - Ottawa labs 

Experimental Neurological Technology equipment + software then practices alongside experimental biological grown body parts in tests - trials while use of a natural self versus applied style additives then acting similar to film or television for use in research into psychological-mental perspectives looking at physical + emotional feeling then body language, control alongside Earth history then trends with all details in a basic, mid level or advanced 

Details on Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett 


The body of today

Non-natural additives 

Bio-grown penile implant (1980's-1990's)  

Testosterone - Estrogen blockers

1990-1994/1995-2005 & before 2013

Estrogen - Testosterone blockers


DNA splicing reserve for the ability to have surrogate children with ones own DNA

Stressors from Research. Standardized + non-Standardized research

Injuries + pain associated then weight gain - loss

Use of SSRI Serotonin Boosters or Anti-depressant for 30-90 day trials only

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

Most people will only experience a few mild side effects when taking SSRIs. These can be troublesome at first, but they'll generally improve with time. Common side effects of SSRIs can include: feeling agitated, shaky or anxious

Use of Accutane 10 for mild temporary Acne from different Neuro-Stressors

Isotretinoin Capsules. Accutane® (Isotretinoin) is a type of retinoid medication that treats severe Acne. Level 10 is milder while 20 & 30 are rarely prescribed due to different concerns
Valid Health Care versus a Racket

Rackets are a smaller percentage additive that is likely harmless with no short or long term effects that take years off your life to bring you back in for treatment every 3-6 months which keeps the economy rolling

Medications because you need
Psychological treatment because you need
Medical - psych + physical check ups because you need

What you need in basic form versus not
Ultrasound Scans of the internal stomach organs of Nicole Sydney Bennett & Sydney Nicola Bennett align with the female gender from birth which cannot be entirely removed in a bio-grown or alternative gender transition


Sudbury - Saskatoon - Montreal - Calgary 

No non-visible or visible disability - handicap. Late on-set or trauma based short or long term

Noted neck - spine + jaw injury 


Non-Standardized Lab - North Bay + Ottawa pre-1993

Persinger - Koslov 1 pre-1995

Lakeview - Sudbury pre-2000

Persinger - Koslov 2 pre-2011

Four wireless devices + access to EEG - Tablet & associated software 


Non-Standardized Lab - North Bay + Ottawa pre-1993 which carried out attacks between 2012-2024 after separate efforts taken prior to 2012 dating back before 1999 & 1993

Withholding required Medical - Dental treatment + surgeries while intervening in Persinger - Koslov research then efforts to negatively affect the professional & private life of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett between 2012-2024 after separate efforts taken prior to 2012 dating back before 1999 as stated in detail in review of daily life unnamed or partially to dully manned by the Threat Lab versus a controlled environment effort with Standardized Labs 


Living as male-like (2024) while seeking medical treatment in partial retirement from North Bay, Ontario, Canada & Calgary, Alberta, Canada as a Calgary, Alberta, Canada resident (2012-2024)

Working for CIG during an H.I.3 investigation in Canada connected to international interests

Lived as a tom boy, male-like male, female, androgynous as natural self or for different projects & investigations 1980's-2024



While the H.I.3 Case is public access to review it is not an open invitation to intervene in our lives or to ask questions including stupid fu*king questions

The facts & arguments with recorded & documented evidence alongside traced correspondence then different opinions are included available for review

We connect directly through request of screened persons with security & legal representation or through approved offline - online representation


Mistaken identity - actually versus attempted use as a tool

Due to extreme Threat Levels of connecting Canadian first based power in numbers groups operating with Neuro-Controlled subject candidates & non-Standardized labs we have to go along with the "Mistaken Identity" while using a look-a-like of Patrick Rothschild - Bennett's childhood 1990's friend Nicholas James Joseph Bennett agreeing with their versions or a collective variant loose version of who "he" was supposed to be between 1985-2000, 2001-2024 while stating he also lives in Calgary, Alberta, Canada as he had since 2012 despite international travel since 2013 basing out of Calgary after living in North Bay, Niagara Region & Hamilton before Red Deer & Sylvan Lake temporarily before returning to Calgary after spending time in Vancouver, Kelowna, Ottawa & even Whistler-Squamish
H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG actually has a male named Nic similar to Nicholas James Joseph Bennett in Calgary connected to different interests that aligns with this situation that held similar interests & background to this person which holds a Bachelor of Commerce after having taken Business Administration courses in a Canadian College before transferring to University focusing on Economics & Finance with Marketing yet Sydney Nicola Bennett & Nicole Sydney Bennett in the H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG groups are not that person as they have two different bodies & birth certificates with different identities
Jordan Bennett & sibling Nic Bennett which grew up in the North Bay, Ontario, Canada area also born at the then Scollard Site were connected to those in the H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG group since the early 1990's & Nic remains connected & involved


Two separate Bennett families:

Nicole Sydney Bennett

Sydney Nicola Bennett

A third Bennett family:

Nic Bennett - Nicholas James Joseph Bennett

Jordan Raymond Bennett

The three were born on the same day at the Scollard & Civic Site hospitals in North Bay in Ontario, Canada while Jordan was born 18 months prior to

Jordan & Nic had met Sydney & Nicole in the 1990's & 2000's while Nic remained in contact. Nicole is a Finance expert University educated while Sydney is a Engineer - Physicist MD with honorary MBA & Nic has a Bachelor of Commerce & Jordan became a Chartered Accountant - Professional

Not one of the four has a Visible - non-Visible Disability - Handicap of any form Mentally or Physically despite one Medical - Psychologist being wrong about Nic in one test of three & another doctor having inconclusive results between 2004-2006 which Neurological Technology Threat Labs capitalized on as a cover for the equipment use since despite efforts taken prior to before 1999


Nicole 5'7" 115 lbs Montreal Canada 

Laurention - McGill

Single + no children 

Sydney 5'9" 120 lbs Calgary - North Bay Canada 

Laurention - McGill + others

Single + two children with plans to have two to six more 


Sydney Nicola Bennett was born the sister of Patrick & Nicole Rothschild - Bennett to Mary & Peter invested in Europe - Mediterranean & Carribean first then international interests
Patrick & Nicole were born in the Mediterranean while step sister Sydney was born in North Bay in Ontario, Canada while family had been working out of North Bay & Sudbury in the 1985's connected to Michael Persinger & Dr Mary Koslov

Nic 5'10" 155 lbs Calgary, Alberta, Canada 

Algonquin - McGill

Wife Tatiania Bigarda with 4 children + 1 grand child after Carly, Tekari, Shelly, Jackie, Anna, Nicole & now Tatiana + in betweeners chosen versus not 


Nic - Nicholas James Joseph Bennett the DNA brother of Jordan Raymond Bennett born 18 months prior to in 1o83 is the Rothschild - Bennett families Canadian Consort Prince & estranged husband of Nicole Rothschild - Bennett which is now married to Tatiana Bigarda

Nicholas was a Knight. Knighted by the family in the early 2000's which joined the families investment group as a Project manager first then Executive which was mistaken for Sydney Nicola Bennett which had a separate yet similar Resume & Portfolio to Nic in her Canadian - American - European connected life connecting since the early to mid 1990's

Jordan 5'8" 165 lbs Toronto - Vaughan Ontario, Canada 

Canadore - Nipissing + Athabasca

Wife Amy Toms & three children born after 2011 

Nicole, Sydney & Nic participated in Neurological Technology Research in Sudbury connected to Montreal, Saskatoon with US based interests while those involved were aware of Jordan & family connected to Nic since the 1990's whole other labs had intervened illegally operating as non-Standardized labs in Canada in North Bay & Ottawa first versus others within & outside the countries borders & airspace
Memory merger rarity

The sole area were memories of one or more persons can merge into the memories of a person involve a network with access to or if a person reviewed or downloads a person or group of with three or more persons memories into their own while separating their own memories from that of their own

This is separate from downloading information versus seeing, reading or viewing then retaining & different forms of communication with memory retention

A double butterfly or non-buttrrfly can do this in conscious control yet a single butterfly can only control such consciously if the lab allows them the ability to otherwise they are overpowered by lab interests


Subject candidate bodies connected to permanent or detachable full body Neurological Technology equipment with associated software

Separate copies on server or hard drive with memories extracted birth by month to extraction date


Nicole & Sydney are confirmed to have been attacked & negatively affected by North Bay - Ottawa non-Standardized Threat Labs while it is suspected Jordan & Nic were also affected to a lesser degree alongside different persons in North Bay & Ottawa versus Southern Ontario versus other areas of Canada as 5-20% or under 50% of the Canadian population had been affected by different Canadian - US based Neurological Technology Standardized + Non-Standardized operating labs

Nicole Sydney Bennett was given a deal with Knights Templar & 5Eyes interests involved after a lengthy investigation concluding between 2022-2023 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


LGBTQ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Queer + Mental Disability propaganda as an effort to control, sterilize, torment, sabotage & or destroy using different groups & perspectives

Nic & Jordan two male brothers are strict heterosexual University educated males with children & wives. Nicole & Sydney are more open minded about bisexual females solely or transgender males over gay males & transgender women with a preference over heterosexuality 99% with focus on reproduction & professional - private lives
Nicole, Sydney & Nic at times between the 1990's-2000's had to swap places between North Bay & area then Sudbury during the H.I.3 Threat Lab investigations which led to cross - regular & correspondence education between institutions for the three under Persinger - Koslov

Height + body size difference 5'7"-5'10" & slightly slimmer body skeleton sizes with ability to gain - loose weight & change style + appearance 


Sydney Nicola Bennett attempted to warn Jackie Keller & those connected of the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs yet the one lab fighting her for control of her body merged the false idea of her & Nic being one person then Nic & Tatiana were mad a Jackie & Nicole with Sydney wanted to warn Jackie regardless while the two North Bay & Ottawa labs had a pact to negatively affect Nic & Jackie alongside others as it is documented

H.I.3 Case investigation budgets versus financial losses then other efforts to negatively affect & inflict pain by the Threat Labs versus Standardized Labs

Hundreds into thousands of excuses to justify connecting power in numbers strategy groups (under 1.5 Billion) operating against the H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG - Knights Templar global grid of over 5 Billion of 8.1 Billion humans alive

JUNE 2024

Medical - Dental Schedule 

Of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett 

Blood tests - cancer screening - STD + STi

Appointment to remove Lipoma for biopsy on left forearm & Thigh - inner + outer 

Monitoring growth - spread + Lymphoma risk 

Non-Hodgkin lymphomas risk not yet confirmed

In general, the B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas have a higher chance of cure, but for just about every type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, even if it can't be cured it can generally be controlled for many years, with bursts of treatment when required


Book Dental Cleaning 

Jordan & Nic alongside Nicole do not have to worry about non-Hodgkin lymphomas despite Marie the DNA mother of Jordan & Nic having a concern with Lipoma & potential non-Hodgkin lymphoma where there father Rod does not have that concern

There is no disability - handicap concerns or other medical concerns in the family outside of specific females in Marie's family having malignant hyperthermia & allergies to some chemicals otherwise nothing else outside of allergies & mild minor vision concerns alongside just under 10% of the family

Nicole & Sydney family bloodlines have no medical concerns outside of specific people in Sydney's family having a risk of Lipoma & potential non-Hodgkin lymphoma in 1% of people in the family then less than 2% with mild vision concerns



A lipoma is a slow-growing, fatty lump that's most often situated between your skin and the underlying muscle layer. A lipoma, which feels doughy and usually isn't tender, moves readily with slight finger pressure. Lipomas are usually detected in middle age. Some people have more than one lipoma

Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is a type of cancer that begins in your lymphatic system, which is part of the body's germ-fighting immune system. In non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, white blood cells called lymphocytes grow abnormally and can form growths (tumors) throughout the body

Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is a general category of lymphoma. There are many subtypes that fall in this category. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and follicular lymphoma are among the most common subtypes. The other general category of lymphoma is Hodgkin's lymphoma

Considerations. Most lumps and swellings are benign (not cancerous) and are harmless, especially the kind that feel soft and roll easily under the fingers (such as lipomas and cysts). A lump or swelling that appears suddenly (over 24 to 48 hours) and is painful is usually caused by an injury or an infection

Jordan & Marie not Rod or Nic have a mild level of concern with osteoporosis which is a bone disease that develops when bone mineral density and bone mass decreases, or when the quality or structure of bone changes. This can lead to a decrease in bone strength that can increase the risk of broken bones (fractures). Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, and Bone Health in females versus males with mild, moderate & severe forms like with anything else

Marie is thought to have survived melanoma - skin cancer in the 1990's from a concerning mole removed while Rod her husband had kidney stone concerns in the 1990's & prior to based around void acne of hydration in a busy schedule while Jordan had fractured his femur then his hip deteroriated & he had a titanium hip installed (1990's - early 2000's)


Nic had mild astigmatism different than Sydney & opted for Lasik in 2013 while Sydney did in 2018 successfully achieving 20/20 vision while Marie, Rod & Jordan like Nicole alongside others did not require corrective eyewear yet Marie, Rod & Jordan began wearing corrective eyewear in the 2000's relating to injuries & a situation surrounding a specific area which altered their vision between the 1990's-2000's permanently

Near sight or far sight then astigmatism


Iife cycle of experience ages 0-6, 7-11, 12-17, 18-25+ simularities & differences

Your time with different people in your life then their separate lives & yours either not connected or connected based on different safe amicable factors & goals with changing interests alongside laws considered

You had your time together & safely arriving at age 50-80 then 80-110 with reproductive options then sharing with children while contributing to Earth's history learning then sharing what you learn is the purpose of life on Earth as a collective process & physical 3rd dimensional experience



The one Ontario Neurological Technology Threat Labs - North Bay + Ottawa withheld Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett from obtaining requested Medical - Dental health care between 1999-2005 / 2006-2024 despite Sydney Nic's attempt at working around at times especially between 2018-2024 versus prior to despite a busy work - study - travel schedule


All H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG invested interests including Sub-Groups interests have investments, careers, credentials & their work-life balance with a professional - private life while also owning their own residential properties yet some consider renting temporarily while travelling unless it is a longer term situation then a  shared ownership option is considered as a long-term solution 

Some people do a debt + no-debt strategic investment model or just no-debt based off shorter & longer term investments against income streams with main & secondary income then side gigs in a 35 hour average work week or 2-3 of 7 day mix & 2-3 weeks off annually with some people adding in more hours in their daily, weekly, monthly & quaterly schedules with an emergency unforseen schedule in the mix against different scenarios
Wealth - Savings Accumulation

Main income stream
Secondary income stream
Third income stream

Expenses - Basic Needs + Earned Privilege

Investments + assets

Fixed, variable + depreciating - appreciating then preserved
Consumable - short term versus longer term assets + financial investments in portfolio + connected professional career

Income steams are a Hustle. Different forms bringing in different dollar bills which provide for a Quality of Life in a structure requiring skill, knowledge & earned credentials


Nic - Nicholas James Joseph Bennett became a member of H.O.R.B-CIG - Knights Templar with the Bevarian Sect Bankers Cartel Group + Widows Aviation - Motorcycle club connected which control the Commonwealth International Investment Group joining Sydney, Nicole, Patrick, Nicole alongside others including Madison in a younger generation
Freemason - Freemasonry + Widows Sons are connected to some Bevarian Sect interests in different countries as they are the two longest running & largest interconnecting groups on Earth

Neurological Technology - Standardized + Non-Standardized Labs

Deals + Settlements

Carly Koslov
Nicholas James Joseph Bennett
Nicole Sydney Bennett

Lakeview - Sudbury Standardized Lab
Ottawa - non-Standardized Lab
Thousand Oaks - Standardized Lab

On-going dispute over the North Bay - Ottawa non-Standardized Labs pertaining to Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett  or Sydney Nic

Specific other subjects were either given a settlement & unmanned or the lab Standardized if it was not or it remained under new Policies, Practices & Practices

US $25-100+ Million Settlements based on documented & recorded evidence with traced correspondence under legal terms with their personal legal counsel involved with connected teams


Section 1

Patrick - Nicole - Sydney

Brother + two sisters in Sevens Bloodline

Surname: Rothschild - Bennett

Section 2

Nicole Sydney Bennett


Those who know her last names. Surnames do. It is in the H.I.3 connected evidence

Section 3

Nicholas James Joseph Bennett

Two brothers. Jordan & Nic

Surname: Libel - Savage - Stargrat - Bennett


Tekari Yoshimoto & Sydney R. Bennett are the two that can handle Movie Star like Media + global attention while the others are more executives & a diverse mix

So... we are using this aspect for the Royal - Elite group + investment group in the Threat Lab versus Standardized Lab war over Neurological Technology enslavement that broke loose in 2012 after failed negotiations prior to


Tom boy 1985-1995
Androgynous Tmale 1995-2005
Male Like 2005-2013/2013-2015
Male Like 2015-2018
Androgynous Female Like 2019-2023
Male Like 2023-2024

Male like example


Female like example


Female like example


Add androgynous aspects of male - female balance then projects + investigations 


The Rothschild - Bennett family uses a list of advanced modern security provisions for safety & protections connecting to the 5Eyes & Banking Cartels Knights Templar

Look - a - like a are often used alongside indirect communication between paid, drafted, temporary hostage draft or temporary prisoner draft grid personnel in professional, private & public life settings for protection against different interests alongside temporary use of or on-going use of advanced technologies & associated software

People & groups with a temporary dover or those doubling as in different settings to investigate different concerns or avoid attention & or to void potential conflict or man-made & natural disaster or hazards


What size is your stools?

Healthy or signs of mis-understnading in negligence

I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett take a little more time in the washroom due to my specific personal hygienic focus adding 2 minutes to average efficiency

Urination - passing stool or gas focus in the digestive process

Size of stool

A small to just abuse toothpick sh*t

Brown & normal with control over the green mix rarity of specific vitamin & mineral nutritional balance for health

Steams of tooth pick sh*ts in a coil then flushed out

Some people have like 1-5" diameter round long sh*ts

The disturbed anal sexual people often enjoy a larger length & diameter stool passing

Cock - penis sized or larger which well... leads me to believe that the reason happens to be they cannot keep the sh*t in & enjoy sh*tting

I keep the weight to a mnimal for efficiency with muscle - fat mass because I don't enjoy sh*tting or passing gas

Exit only if I must & rare weekly in a safe schedule which I require a dietetic coffee or substitute to coax it out while pushing quite hard holding my breath as my downstairs back there is not equipped for any moment at all

Some people like stated go from a male small, medium or large sized cock - penis in form of stool versus an elephant dick which is like a sizable fist

I don't do that as my body was never capable & I don't enjoy taking a sh*t or passing gas at all

Some people are fu*king fu*k nasty & enjoying a regular sh*t & taking a d*ck or object recreation g the taking a sh*t process even when not taking a sh*t

Your a victim of no choice of your own or your own doings

Fag sh*ts or normal sh*ts versus controlled toothpick sh*tter coils

You is the fag buddy

Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett



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