Ground Zero - North Bay


Ground Zero - North Bay

Drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll technology lab equipment used in the 2012-2024 rape-torture & terror attacks on Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett 

Our investigation had monitored the one location versus others in Northern Ontario versus Southern & Eastern in the Province separate from other Provincial or Territorial neurological technology monitoring programs


Private Interest


Threat or Labs that became a Threat 


North Bay Ontario, Canada

Illegally connected to the body of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett prior to 1993
The location housing the sourced full body neurological technology lab equipment connected to the body of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett at the one Ontario neurological technology lab cluster location in question is within the borders of North Bay in Ontario Canada unlike other operating labs within the borders & airspace of Canada separate from those operating outside affecting those within or outside the borders & airspace of Canada prior to 1999 & post

The past-present 24 hour rotational teams with volunteers & guests flown in & driven in operated at the North Bay, Ontario, Canada location

Operating handlers

Accomplices to that operated outside the North Bay, Ontario, Canada location from within & outside the city limits of North Bay, Ontario, Canada with others in the area & outside alongside others within the borders & airspace of Canada then those that since relocated outside the city limits of North Bay, Ontario, Canada or area

Persons & groups connected, contacted then others contacted then connected

People in Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett's professional & private life past-present then education - studies & focus then financial aspects


The Lakeview & Persinger - Koslov devices were in Sudbury & Montreal then Saskatoon at a temporary location


The responsible lab operated with different interests in Government in & outside of Canada, Banking, Private Sector then persons, groups, singles, couples past-present, companies, brands, businesses, interests in media then different other areas including high profile celebrity then specifics within & outside of Canada between 2012-2024 & prior to 2012 dating back before 1999

Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett was left unmanned most of the time prior to 2012 of November then left to fight to remain alive between 2012-2024 while working around these efforts working, studying & living in multiple Canadian Provinces at the same time as continuing ones social, financial & career portfolio between a busy professional - private life schedule with different interests, goals & focus

Alive. Injured. Requiring minor surgical intervention & dental work

Requiring right to settle & unman in partial retirement with investments & project schedule 

Retired from research & doubling in light intelligence testing technologies due to a threat lab & conscious interest transitioning to a new lifestyle in 2024 from 2000-2023

Four devices connected to the body. Software. Recorded & documented evidence. Traced offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of correspondence 


Multiple medical professionals & specialists then those connected or not operating directly, separately then connected voluntarily or involuntarily directly or indirectly through others without realizing

Conscious choice to operate directly - diliberarely while others connected operated involuntarily

Opinions used to damage the physical body head to toe then image, character, credibility & reputation in the professional & private life of

Consultations hold lower liability yet inquires hold little to no liability versus full on treatment or surgical intervention

Operators with Stakeholders at the one one Ontario neurological technology lab locations connecting with medical & dental professionals involving them in all details including use of the neurological technology lab equipment or not informing them of such equipment & their intension with use of such while connecting as they monitored & or monitored & controlled Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett
Daily recorded - documented efforts with pain & temporary or permanent injuries involved between 2012-2024 after separate efforts taken back prior to 1999

Multiple people & groups facing legal actions based on accusations against fact using assumptions or created belief then demands they get to monitor our thoughts, imagination & memory then review our memories while monitoring & or controlling our bodies from partially to almost fully 24/7 with no court order & no health board order

No legal right to do a yet documented doing so then separately efforts to have others do this for them & report back findings

Sydney Bennett Group of the Sevens connected to H.O.R.B - CIG SB - RBK Seven international investments & M.S.P-M.C.G Murder City 

Owned & controlled by Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett

Contract projects & private life


Main house
Vacation property
CIG SB - RBK Seven properties 
Specific items at residences 

Gulf Stream 650 Jet

2024+ Mercedes Maybach S680 - Big Luxury in Every Sense


2024+ Rolls-Royce Phantom Series 2 Long in Beautiful Details

Security convoy vehicles - regular & for travel then equivalent to Rolls Royce Phantom 2 Long while travelling

Yamaha 222XD boat 

Cannot drive:

1973 Ducati Cafe Racer

2019 KTM 450 SX-F & sled bike with 2nd motor

2021 Lamborghini Aventador


Activity specific Clothing, Accessories & Footwear

Sport - Athletics

Specific themed style

Walking Cain & appropriate outfit for outside & indoors then at events & in private life during daily schedule


Samsung or Apple if not Apples to Oranges


Medical - Dental Routine

Physical body - appearance, size, stature, diet-exercise daily


Weekly, monthly, quarterly routine


More smarter because decided 

Allegedly more responsible & superior too in a social, financial effort & in terms of dating & in a date fu*k was it? Responsible dating with consensual sexual intercourse & maybe even a good pornographic in the mix

You had child yet can't be sure as to who baby daddy isn't not yet your now more responsible as it's a step up from a, ah fishes, kitties, doggies or the other wildlifes

A human you had popped right out your vaginas or the fu*ker was cut out our tummy after ovulation sexual intercourse

CIG SB - RBK Seven 


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