Warning. Self-isolation + Screening

NOT WELCOME 1985-2024/2090+

Warning. Self-isolation + Screening 

www.sydneys.space (not .com)

The last posts on profile. Starting from the first as this is the last as per all Blogger profiles

Remaining single Blogger profile receiving updates past June 26, 2024 of main 21 Blogger profiles + 1 Bonus profiles of 22



Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett

Neuro-Strike + Biowarfare victim born in North Bay, Ontario, Canada

2012-2024 after separate efforts taken prior to 2012 dating back before 1999 & 1993

Engineer - Physicist - MD - Honorary MBA

Professional Career


Project Manager - Executitve turned Majority Shareholder - The Commonwealth Group. International Investment Group  

Relevant + irrelevant past positions pre-2023 in partial retirement 

US $100 Billion - $1 Trillion + Investment Group

Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett 

www.sydneys.space (not .com)

Remaining single Blogger profile receiving updates past June 26, 2024 of main 21 Blogger profiles + 1 Bonus profiles of 22



Sydneys Space - 445 pages


Sphere 1 - 652 pages


Sphere 2 - 425 pages



Neuro-Strike = Wireless Brain-body Terorrism


Understand law. Canadian, USA + International

Not welcome in a person's. Life

I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett am very strict regarding who I will consider speaking to & what I do daily in my professional or private life

I do not take orders or requests from others or align with answering questions to any one person or group to justify my conscious opinion or personal perspective & approach alongside my knowledge, skill & ability then past-present interests in my adult life since age 16 (2000-2001)

I am not going to listen to a human being, one or more than one than one that operates at or with the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs that convinced themselves they somehow have the legal or private right to review my memories from birth to present time analyzing when I was unmanned or partially to dully manned by standardized versus non-standardized threat labs

If you had convinced yourselves you could change me or dictate & control me at anytime between 2000-2024 your obviously mentally unstable & above the law expecting I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett would even stop for a second & consider your opinion on anything or about anyone in life

Speaking into my head: wirelessly into my skull-ears or through my mouth while illegally spying on & through my body which I did not sign up for prior to 1999 or post 

Once again I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett did not sign up for this. I refuse to submit & even consider one person nor group filtering through the North Bay - Ottawa non-standardized Threat Labs

I do not want to communicate with you through my head or through offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication in my professional or private life

I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett do not want to by bothered or controlled vocally, physically & psychologically - mentally wirelessly by people I had or had not met between 1985-2024 & or anyone connected or not connected


Not welcome in my Professional or Private Life - 2001-2024

If any one person or group had been involved in my professional or private life at anytime before 2013-2014 or prior to 2013 dating back before 2007 your not welcome in my life

Not from the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs or directly & not through other people & or through offline, online, mobile or telephone channels of communication 


The situation


If you physically entered the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs once between 1985-2024 I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett am 100% not okay with you regardless of argument

I will contact authorities - Police Service & different interests I am connected to & proceed to obtain a restraining order against you & everyone your connected to past-present ages 0-17, 18-100+ &those since turned age 18 then all new births. If your efforts persist I will press charges & sue for financial damages especially if you negatively affect my image, character, credibility or reputation in my professional & private life

Look down, look away. Avoid me as your not screened in my professional or private life & will not be. Ever


If you are connected to someone that had physically entered the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs once between 1985-2024 I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett am 100% not okay with you regardless of argument

I will contact authorities - Police Service & different interests I am connected to & proceed to obtain a restraining order against you & everyone your connected to past-present ages 0-17, 18-100+ &those since turned age 18 then all new births. If your efforts persist I will press charges & sue for financial damages especially if you negatively affect my image, character, credibility or reputation in my professional & private life

Look down, look away. Avoid me as your not screened in my professional or private life & will not be. Ever


If you were contacted by someone that had physically entered the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs once between 1985-2024 I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett am 100% not okay with you regardless of argument

I will contact authorities - Police Service & different interests I am connected to & proceed to obtain a restraining order against you & everyone your connected to past-present ages 0-17, 18-100+ &those since turned age 18 then all new births. If your efforts persist I will press charges & sue for financial damages especially if you negatively affect my image, character, credibility or reputation in my professional & private life

Look down, look away. Avoid me as your not screened in my professional or private life & will not be. Ever


If you are connected to someone that was contscted by those that physically entered the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs once between 1985-2024 I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett am 100% not okay with you regardless of argument

I will contact authorities - Police Service & different interests I am connected to & proceed to obtain a restraining order against you & everyone your connected to past-present ages 0-17, 18-100+ &those since turned age 18 then all new births. If your efforts persist I will press charges & sue for financial damages especially if you negatively affect my image, character, credibility or reputation in my professional & private life

Look down, look away. Avoid me as your not screened in my professional or private life & will not be. Ever


The opinion of one or more persons that had or does exist on Planet Earth

People I had or had not met

Not relevant as they have a physical body that is not mine. It is their physical body

These same people have their birth & life cycle of experiences ages 0-6, 7-11, 12-17, 18-25+

I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett am in my own separate body & life with my own separate life cycle of experiences ages 0-6, 7-11, 12-17, 18-25+


I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett do ot appreciate the 2012-2024 rape, torture or terror attacks wirelessly on my body at all or being forcefully made to answer questions to any one person or group involved at or with the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs responsible

I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett separately consented to what I had connecting with H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG alongside Persinger & Koslov out of Sudbury then prior to 2019 dating back to the early 1990's while all other concerns were not included unless I screened you for my private life since 2000/2001 while a similar equation was included prior to 2000/2001 dating back to 1985


I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett tolerate people at workplaces remaining there & do not include them outside of workplace professional life events as I like to separate my private life from such with no exceptions due to professional conflict with few exceptions in the past

My professional life versus private life

I am not including people I do not want in my private life

The exception would be in the Law-Courts or if a legal representation & security interest needs to connect over an important matter or emergency situation

Natural or man-made disaster or hazard situation then right back to a separate life focus with security & legal protections over my image, character, credibility & reputation


Private life controls

In my separate life I have those I screen in my separate life based on scheduled time in my daily, weekly & monthly or quarterly life

Trusted persons:

Interest based
Adult family based

Those not screened:

Persons of interest
Persons of interest - Reformed
My personal & separate legal representation then personal & separate professional security interests are of importance with a team connected as it's been since 2008 & separate variables prior to 2008


Busy adult lifestyle & schedules

Professional workdays + time off daily versus days off

Only so many days & people to include in the minimal days off or time off with a lot on the table in plans to experience while alive

Holidays + family obligations then events versus professional then vacations, dating partners, children & specifics screened in the private life versus those in the past private life ages 0-6, 7-11, 12-17, 18-25 versus ages 26-30+


People that were in the past private life schedule yet that are no longer as they are now amicably in their own new separate private life schedule separate from the new private life schedule due to changing interests & conflicting professional scheduling with different factors

Aware of each other respectfully & legally in separate lives

People enjoy their time together for term periods then some longer some not as long for different factors throughout their life cycle of experiences regardless of similarities or differences


Professional Life Laws

Workplace + Public or Virtual based

Insurance laws

Private Life Laws

Residential + Public or Virtual based

Mortgage or Cash sale personal law
Tenancy agreement laws

Insurance laws


Earned income streams + cataloged assets with receipts consciously chose versus dictated & investments

Monthly budgets

Personal + dependants with all expenses included & justified


Neurological Technology Threat Labs - Standardized Labs

In the event that any one person that does not operate at or with a Threat Lab suspects they or a family member & extended may be connected to a device of such nature my legal + security representation is available to connect in private using advanced security practices while a private Medical Team has EEG headband - tracing tablets to trace signals from your brain to the device housed at a location where we can investigate those operating at & with then develop a legal case to sue for damages & effectively save your life

If there was or is any conflict or disagreements in the past it is irrelevant unless you operate at a Threat Lab directly voluntarily rather than involuntarily

After this all interests return to their separate lives with multiple options to protect all parties from those that operated at or with these responsible lab affecting the person



Cancer screening = no cancer

No non-Hodkins or Hodgkin Lymphoma or any other form of cancer


Healthy. Cleared & fine


Under 30 rather than 70+ based on concerns or potentials with smaller + clusters of damaged muscle area & fatty tissues

Left forearm
Left thigh + genitalia
Right calve
Left abdomen

Removal of these areas then biopsy

Liposuction + fatty tissue control on limbs + abdomen in specific areas lightly

Diet - nutrition focus to balance & potential for use of Accutane 10 only if mild acne break ours occur
Facial Surgery
Oral health


Neck - spine + full body

Maintenance & focus on regular life


Jordan Bennett CA.CPA

Partner. PWC Canada - Toronto + Calgary

PWC Canada


Linked In



Bevarian Sect.  

Canada - US - European Banking Cartel International Club 


Widows + not Widows

We will pop the rivals in the head if we see them or if they are in out territory or vacinity

Opportunity to walk & return to their territory & designated controlled environments

Our public space is not theirs to congregate in

Avoid where we congregate or we will end your fu*king lives

If you physical entered the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs your not welcome to be outside of a Maximum Security Facility permanently as we will execute you

Approved screened interests versus those not

You cannot survive death. Once your deceased that is the end like before birth

If your permanently injured you have limitations & cannot go back in time

Knights Templar interests will end your life if your a suspect target past-present

You will be deceased at the hands of swarms of draft & hostage draft persons

Knights Templar interests will hook your brain & body up to full body detachable neurological technology equipment & extract your memory for analysis

Your freedoms & privacy revoked then control of your body revoked


If you do not negatively affect us in our private or professional lives you walk on otherwise it's the Law-Courts or private efforts leading to injuries, lost financial or & also often death


The Commonwealth Group

Rothschild - Bennett + Bennett + Koslov families

Advanced investigative profiles with 5 Eyes + Knights Templar

22 Blogger Profiles

Owned by CIG - MSN - Blogger

- Raw data notes pertaining to the case with over 10,000 profile posts that are simple, easy to understand & a quick read that all interconnect with provided URL reference links

30+ Meta: Facebook Profiles

Owned by CIG - Facebook - Blogger

- All profile time line - main pages + profile photo albums & descriptions

- Raw data notes pertaining to the case with over 10,000 profile posts that are simple, easy to understand & a quick read that all interconnect with provided URL reference links


Protecting people's rights & privacy in their own separate lives for their professional & private life safety & success

Teachings of how to Navigate & an additive to all other perspectives effectively


Interests caught operating at & with the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs attacking H.O.R.B - CIG - S.B - CIG & Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett prior to 1999, 1993 & again before 2011 then again between 2012-2024

CIG - In-House International Investments

All investments + projects have nick names within the group

Exposure Sports + Exposure Sports Magazine

The section of invemsnets includes those areas of invemsnets in which we are focused

Team + boardsports focus while we have not branded anything under CIG - Exposure for public purchase yet as thar was not in the plans outside of Earth 2.0 & our investments portfolio structure

Sad Planet
Fox Research
Cypress - Monarch
Alpha Health

Specific others in a list under 50 segregated areas of international investment categories which have nick names that are easy to remember including connected past-present collaborative partners in over 100 countries   

Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett 

www.sydneys.space (not .com)

Remaining single Blogger profile receiving updates past June 26, 2024 of main 21 Blogger profiles + 1 Bonus profiles of 22



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