Anti-Fraud Attacks - 4 Bennett's


Anti-Fraud Attacks - 4 Bennett's (not .com) 

First order of business 

Waiting on medical results for Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett 


Results in for June 25, 2024 for cancer then other concerns before July 9, 2024 then surgery & treatment while Estate Lawyer focuses on the H.I.3 Case between July 1, 2024 - November 1, 2024

Treatment in Toronto - Sudbury - North Bay


Instant Medical - Debts Treatment + Pay Later

Rushed Treatment then Financial Sorted with connected collective interests

August 23, 2024? Fu*k is that? Potential longer for surgical removal + biopsy 

Fishing line + boiled sterilized personal treatment + surgical efforts then frozen specimens for biopsy rather than risk spread as a not practising Research Medical Doctor temporary in Ontario  (2022-2024)

Lipoma Removal

URL Reference


The Government of Ontario + Neurological Technology Threat Labs - North Bay - Ottawa


The North Bay - Ottawa Neuro-Strike Threat Labs

Demands to hold down the four Bennett's alongside others separately homeless or just above homeless with all earned credentials stripped, discredited & shamed as fraud want to be's expecting to rewrite their history in life cycle of experience ages 0-6, 7-11, 12-17, 18-25+ while seizing all earned assets, incomes, savings & investments effectively downsizing them to a minimalist easy to monitor & controlled life 24/7 from these two Threat Lab locations with control over their bodies fighting them for control of their bodies

Brains & bodies hooked up monitored & or monitored & controlled 24/7 


Jordan Bennett CA.CPA is unmanned at professional workplaces then locked outside of by the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs as he was during his education efforts prior to working for KPMG & PWC like others yet with some subject candidates like sibling Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett which were not unmanned at workplaces between 2012 November - 2024


CANCER SCARE - 2022-2024

Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett

Engineer - Physicist - MD - Honorary MBA

Potential Cancer Treatment

Tumor - Muscle damage removal of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett limbs + genitalia


Arms - forearms 

Thighs - calves - abdomen 


Buttocks - left + right cheeks

Removal of cellular growth from injection + aggressive weight gain - loss 

Surgical removal + options starting July-August 2024

Radiation Therapy.
Targeted Therapy.
Stem Cell or Bone Marrow Transplant.
Hormone Therapy.

Chemotherapy. Radiation. Immunotherapy + Hormone Therapy with Diet - Nutrition eneegy focus as per the plan if cancers are confirmed otherwise removal & efforts to monitor & address using safe implants for appearance

Will be able to drive or ride a motorcycle + off road vehicle or operate a boat - marine vessel yet walking with a cain & no lifting or excessive energy use physically or vocally - psychologically - mentally 


Results in for June 25, 2024 for cancer then other concerns before July 9, 2024 then surgery & treatment while Estate Lawyer focuses on the H.I.3 Case between July 1, 2024 - November 1, 2024

First Round

Blood testing

Urine testing
Advanced ultrasound - muscles + tumors
Surgical removal + biopsy diagnosis

Second Round

Treatment + Surgeries
Healing - monitoring

Resumed focus on regular partial retirement schedule 


Efforts of the Ontario Neurological Technology Threat Labs - North Bay - Ottawa

The people that had met the 4 Bennett's within the borders & airspace in Canada between 1980's-2024 loose their lives with everyone connected past-present ages 0-17, 18-100+ including new births

All companies,  brands & businesses then people & groups

This includes those that physically entered the North Bay & Ottawa Threat Labs & everyone connected past-present then those contacted & others connected past-present

CSIS - CSEC + DND Naval - Military - Air in Canada


Red Deer

Calgary Police
Edmonton Police


North Bay
Niagara Police
Mississauga + Brampton

North Bay Police
Ottawa Police
Hamilton Police
Toronto Police
Peel - Mississauga + Brampton Police
Niagara Regional Police

British Columbia


Vancouver Police

The efforts taken in Canada to seize assets & banking accounts expecting to hold down the 4 Bennett's using Social Assistance discrediting earned credentials, incomes, investments, assets & savings between 2012-2024 & prior efforts taken back before 2012 dating back before 1999 & 1993 cost everyone their freedoms & lives in our global counter attacks

The responsible parties in Government, Media, Banking & Private + Personal Sector justified all past efforts taken before 1999, 1993 then separately leading up to 2011 then again between 2012-2024 coat those that physically entered the North Bay - Ottawa labs their lives

Life imprisonment or executions 


Ontario Government

Those going against the H.I.3 Case investigations in the Government of Canada loose their lives

All persons that had worked with or in the Government of Canada

Provincial - Territory
Municipal - Rural

Tangerine - Scotiabank accounts connected to the Ontario Disability Support Program + Alberta Supports separate from CERB - EI Payments 


The four Bennett's were being monitored by the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs since the late 1980's-early 1990's which extracted memories in a 3D recreated version & filmed their every move

Monitoring of all offline, online accounts then telephone calls + mobile accounts including business - Government

Extracted Memories

Birth to present time:

Left side of screen

All thought, imagination + memory
All sight & hearing plus senses

Right side of screen

A 3D behind body 360 degree recreated experience birth to present time of each of the four then from the late 1980's-2024


Extractions day by day, weekly, monthly & quarterly describe when the subject candidate was unmanned or partially to fully vocally, physically & psychologically - mentally controlled with consciousness locked in by those at a Neurological Technology device

Persinger - Koslov had done the same with detachable rather than permanent devices

The North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs & Lakeview Sudbury made mistakes like to her labs versus Persinger - Koslov in the 1990's-2000's prior to 2012 which did not make mistakes or void rights & practices with policies, standards & laws

Rod Paul Bennett

1953-2024 memories on server + hard drive

North Bay - Ottawa 1980's-early 2000's
Persinger - Koslov early 1990's

Marie Susan Bennett P.RPN

1955-2024 memories on server + hard drive

Jordan Raymond Bennett CA.CPA

1983-2024 memories on server + hard drive

North Bay - Ottawa 1980's-early 2000's
Persinger - Koslov early 1990's

Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett

1985-2024 memories on server + hard drive

North Bay - Ottawa 1980's-early 2000's
Persinger - Koslov early 1990's

Lakeview - Sudbury
Persinger - Koslov 2


2090+ planned or sooner

If Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett succumbs to injuries or dies of cancer between 2024-2026 or before 2030 Madison Koslov + specifics with the Estate lawyer alongside her family will be focusing on the S.B-CIG investments & projects connected to H.O.R.B-CIG as per legal will & testament requests of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett with controlled natural decomposition death burial in a large personal gated walk-in tomb showcasing with ones life's work & portfolio including access to download able raw + professional edits of the H.I.3 case & edited versus unedited available life cycle memories on server in hard drive form for review

The Tomb + location is worth under $2.5 Million dollars with everything included extracted from the Estate of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett in succession of one's personal Estate + Wealth portfolio to the Koslov family & a smaller percentage of specifics connected

A US United States of America based larger Cemetery Tomb purchase connected to the Estates of Persinger - Koslov for the North Bay, Ontario, Canada born Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett while a separate plaque may exist in a Mountain Road Callander, Ontario, Canada cemetery connecting to Grand Parents then a separate option at a Tower Road, North Bay, Ontario cemetery also connected to grand parents in Canada valued at under $10,000 for both options while the family tree & history will be available in digital + partial print form in the main + online Tomb option connected to H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG Sevens bloodline investments alongside the history of other family members in the bloodline - family tree

Regular Vampire Ancient style casket in a themed Tomb with public access area then separate private area for specific access + caged window into the interior where the casket is with specific art based on one's own work & goals described in the H.I.3 Case

Tower Road - Mountain Road

Name inscription + facial design then address to the US Tomb in directions which may connect to a European option


Self examination

Left thigh + genitalia & buttocks area of Lipoma growth surrounding damage to tissue - muscles caused by the same Threat Lab between 2022-2024 after separate efforts taken prior to 2022

Those illegally monitoring from the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Lab

During self examination

"It appears Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett is fingerings ones assh*le & it is disgusting despite no touch near said anus - rectal opening at all"

These people then begin assaulting the body head to toe almost fracturing bones in the process scream in into the skull - ears & through the mouth expecting to ream out, rip apart or tear apart then force Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett to stop fingerings ones arsehole

Sir, are we fingering ones arsehole?

Not even fingerings ones arsehole at all!

Self examination. Potential Lipoma spread



Stuck up? No. Meticulous. Demanding. Aggressive. Chill. Kind at times. Strict. Firm. Skilled. Knowledged & not willing to. People are often & no. Firmly

"The most disturbing psycho narcissistic insensitive low class wackos that find being hard core a funny & trendy environment in life like it's a competition yet I find them repulsive & invading my relaxed upscale approach to life since early childhood... in my style naturally versus accusations I would consider altering myself to be like another outside of project or investigator. I don't. Wouldn't & won't. Ah, fu* you!. You cont!. The people involved at or with the North Bay - Ottawa Threat labs are people I depise to say the least with few exceptions"  - Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett 


30-75 0.15-5cm Lipoma Tumors have to be removed from the body due to an injected biowarfare cellar attack separate from Neuro-Strike carried out between 2012-2024

It is not contagious yet irreversible damage to fatty + muscle tissue contained versus spreading which can be cut out like flesh eating disease then any aalready of concern with spreading potential cancer can be treated in different ways to void further spreading

Future cellular growth can be minimized after removal to revoke reoccurrence of uneven cellular growth equivalent to normal growth with weight loss - gain versus the biological injection attack causing uneven growth with minimal + maximum cellular inconsistencies damaging fatty tissues + muscles

Light damage to skin is a result in the process separate from known cancers & Cysts or regular Lipomas + Tumors

Most lipomas are removed surgically by cutting them out. Recurrences after removal are uncommon. Possible side effects are scarring and bruising. A technique known as minimal excision extraction may result in less scarring

The result is Neurofibromatosis like synptoms which is a genetic disorder that causes tumors to form throughout the body. It is progressive and is one of the most common genetic diseases in the United States. Although neurofibromatosis is not a cancer, some forms of NF can be associated with certain malignancies yet cancer is still a risk including Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is a type of cancer that begins in your lymphatic system, which is part of the body's germ-fighting immune system. In non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, white blood cells called lymphocytes grow abnormally and can form growths (tumors) throughout the body

Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is a general category of lymphoma. There are many subtypes that fall in this category. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and follicular lymphoma are among the most common subtypes. The other general category of lymphoma is Hodgkin's lymphoma

With the majority of cancers white cells called lymphocytes grow abnormally and can form growths (tumors) throughout the body yet if your taking a medication like Accutane 10-20-30 or a variation of strengths the white cell count increases temporarily focusing on another area of temporary attachment rather than tumor or cellular growth to address the concern rather than another area so reading blood testing & scans is harder while the medication is being used

Discontinue use prior to using alternative methods to address the slowly reintroduce so as to get a clear reading

The effect of Neurofibromatosis from biowarfare injections can be reversed after tumors are cut out & all cellular regrowth is addressed through a countering treatment yet not without addressing damage to muscles & multiple areas similar to treating flesh eating disease just in a milder form yet it is different than permanent natural DNA based Neurofibromatosis

Lymphoma URL Reference (not .com) 



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