Targets. USA + majority of Canada


Targets. USA + majority of Canada 


Enemies of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett



The remainder of USA deceased by 2029

California - New York - Florida + others versus others 

Is California guilty? 

Which USA - Canadian + UK labs carried it out?

1985-2024 EFFORTS

Counter efforts over victim:

Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett

California + into the ground  


Blue Host 

Meta: Facebook

Google - YouTube + 

MSN + Blogger 


We are executing everyone as stated multiple times throughout the H.I.3 Case that had met Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett between 1985-2024 within the borders & airspace of Canada including Chris Amond & Brad Moore alongside everyone they had met & that

Everyone ages 0-17, ages 18-100+ then those since turned age 18 then all new births 

We are executing every LGBTQ+ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer+ identifying person we can on planet 

We are executing every disabled - handicap identifying person we can on planet 

 We are executing every California resident including those that relocated between 1985-2024. More than the 39.03 million current 2024 population cam go into the grave over the 2012-2024 rape, torture & terror attacks on Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett after separate efforts taken prior to 2012 dating back before 1999 & 1993 

Is New York guilty? 

Which USA - Canadian + UK labs carried it out?

1985-2024 EFFORTS

Counter efforts over victim:

Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett 

New York State + into the ground  


Blue Host 

Meta: Facebook

Google - YouTube + 

MSN + Blogger 

Is Florida guilty? 

Which USA - Canadian + UK labs carried it out?

1985-2024 EFFORTS

Counter efforts over victim:

Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett

Florida + into the ground  


Blue Host 

Meta: Facebook

Google - YouTube + 

MSN + Blogger 


Who is hiding. . . Who is guilty? 

"I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett will never physically return to the USA as many already know despite failed negotiations while others I had met not deceased could. I do not personally return to a country that does that to my brain, internal organs, skeleton & career then life. USA, Canada & UK cannot be trusted as proven. Those that take the risk may be alive. 50% change or less. Pathetic countries"



Into the grave if we cannot press charges & sue for damages then force them off to the side our of our way in their separate life focused not on our life & focus

You go into the ground

That way your off to the side. Out of the way 

Bringing attention on this subject 

Into the ground. Not in the way 

... move b*tch. Out of the fu*king way 

Or into the ground ground ground 


Rude to stare... look away. A light accidentally glance then horizon focus of other interest jot engaging the face or eyes yet aware of others in the social - physical environment then all hazards & disaster potential. Man-made or natural potential

Engage in the eyes - expect a hostile or rare non-hostile conversation unless it's an appropriate place

Don't speak. Silence. Think. Don't speak

Respond cautiously & speak rarely using body language & minimal vocals

Head down. Walk on normally & void interest otherwise it will be conflict

Don't engage. Void interest kindly or mistakenly go engaging & focus on something else  

Avoid people. People are dangerous.  Screen trusted people which are often two faced & dangerous

Don't trust people professionally or in your private life

Don't let your guard down. Don't trust people

Maintain a main life, secondary with private concerns & a public persona while voiding interest in sharing all publicly or privately

Don't trust people 

Don't trust people

Don't trust banks. Don't trust the Government. Don't trust corrupt Police or Security personnel. Don't trust businesses, companies or brands.

Don't trust family or extended

Don't trust friends

Don't fully trust a dating partner

Trust your conscious self & prepare to be alone first always

Don't trust people 

Don't trust your DNA parents if you know them or meet them. They are like you yet fu*ked & a baby was there & it's you 9 months later. Life is a fairy tale if you make it otherwise it isn't

Money allows a fairtale otherwise no

Guardians - don't trust. Once again 

Males never trust a woman
Gay males... your never trusted & disgusting
Lesbians... trust never exists
Females... you can't even trust yourself

Nothing is ever changing 

Bisexuals & gender variants puzzles are fu*ked so your probably retarded 

Minor Guardians keep child until 17. 16 in a rare occasion. Teaching's through K-12 then the child learns money + earns one then buys own house then budgets to live & create own family then practices fu*king to make babies like parents did between other private life interests & a professional life for money 

Same cycle just variations of

School preps you for work to make money rather than costing money 

Money money money + fu*king then you die 


Don't walk alone on the street. Anywhere

You will get mugged. Rocked. Jacked & potentially shanked, beat down. Rocked some more & even shot dead for maybe your wallet for a pick pocket. Anything or the potential & even nothing or just to harm or kill you

Fun & enjoyment

Rare safe neighborhoods

Unsafe streets + schools & places everywhere including public transit 

Jack yo sh*t = steal your belongings or personal effects

Like digital effects just physical

Theives not image or graphic outlaw theives in the digital world   

A switch blade... multi-blade versus selections of guns, wireless intermediary guns & demobilizing weaponry used covertly in disguise

A gat - aka gun to some versus a good knife

Ways to use said weapons as a deterrent

18/22 dropped dead. Over 100 gone

People act like staying alive & they know of light versus aware of & hearing about heavy lifestyles yet deceased bodies

Deceased... how the body ended up without life inside. Birth attached consciousness removed & not wirelessly connected 

Killing if it's legal + all options exhausted otherwise... exhausting all options then survival & it's like slugging a mouse or deer if ya gotta. Hack saw & stripe the flesh, have a dog consume the bones & burn incinerating

Maybe place ash & remaining fragments in a tree or someplace fancy

Wear the ashes as an ornament.

Pretty like even. A illuminati ritual. 

A good public image. Legitimate investments versus risk or risqué then a private life. Forget about it

You know like it's who your going with & the whole idea. A concept. The mob.

Your soul is sold into it

Key to life. Earth's history. The kiss of death

History & dynamics 

Squaring up in dollars & blood 

Safety + security in risqué Unsafe places where economic activity is Unsafe for survival & to meet Basic Needs + Earned Privledge versus safer legitimate ways or a hybrid

Regardless a man has to eat, sleep & hydrate

People have to survive at their own expense & in desperate situations

Sabateurs versus legitimate single people or groups  

People are died. People are getting fu*king killed. Dollars are transferring. Law-Courts or private forum in the war

As it's always been 

The Hundred Million Club. The Billion Dollar Club. The Hundred Billion Dollar Club. The rare Trillions Club

The Millionaire Affluent 99 Million & the lessers + status

Middle class masses then impoverished burdens of no use for investments

Impoverished. The happy safe peasant versus Unsafe vulnerable sector peasant of the social - financial classes within the Personal Sector

Poverty. Poor. The poooooor

Starving marvins... a drag on society & often a public charge stamp case borderline homeless just creaking by

A nothing or has been. Fu*k nothing fu*k all working maybe to dig out then maintain otherwise living in a fu*king gutter run dolled up 

Education = hustle

Skill + knowledge

Professional Income Streams = hustle

Always fighting to build & maintain

Let your guard down & some fu*k moves in & your income is gone... it's never ending 


Fluctuations 25-50-75% in high risk versus low risk income hustles with 3+ & investments then returns

Continual international + domestic capital gains then a series of loop holes to void taxation focusing on specific areas & beneficiary groups rather than high taxes

Tax incentives & the entire balancing act of the portfolio 

A rebel settles. Never & the hot, fast, moderate risk & dollar bills

Lots of dollar bills & in the situation with Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett lots of thin, attractive slutty women that want to fu*k

We settle... you know the middle class & playing it safe in a rat race then those above & below

Dollar bills coming in. Staying in is good. Dollar bills going out. Bad.

Simple rule. Minimalist items & justified by dollar bills + tools & requirements

With dollar bills the world is yours. With non & your ant got sh*t

Life on earth. As it's always been

Think of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett as Casper Ghost. A fair person. Aware of ethics & a fair Prince. The others connected are not like Casper Ghost. A roller coaster life & if you force what isn't natural imagination has to block the reality of that versus choice as that is by force & an act against


Gay Smylie dies before 2025 January.

Murdering the family of Gay Smylie & Gay herself then everyone she had met past-present while every human being that had physically had entered the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs between the 1980's-2024 also loose their lives over espionage, control & leaking information prior to 2012, 1999 & 1993 then again between 2012-2024

Smylie Farm Bed and Breakfast

Bed & breakfast in Callander, Ontario

961 Callander Bay Drive, Callander, ON P0H 1H0

People involved & connected to the responsible labs in North Bay - Ottawa which illegal represented the four Bennett's or H.O.R.B - CIG - S.B - CIG also loose their lives for stating what the four & connected groups would be like based on also claims literally rewriting their history then holding them to these misrepresentations prior to 2012 & post effectively leading to attacks on by multiple interests

Callander, Ontario, Canada locals that had lived there prior to 2015 dating back before 1980 also loose their lives if they are still alive if we connected them to having been involved operating with the North Bay - Ottawa labs against the four Bennett's

Knights Templar interests will be ending their lives on behalf of four Bennett's or H.O.R.B - CIG - S.B - CIG

Ferris Glen 1980's-1990's + Neuro-Strike attacks since + bio warfare

North Bay & area alongside other areas within & ouside the borders & airspace of Canada


Gerry Mendicino - Canadian actor looses is life alongside the cast-crew of the Lake television series & everyone they had been connected to in their lives past-present in which are still alive in response to the 2012-2024 attacks on Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett

The Lake 2022 ‧ Comedy

Omg Julia Stiles. OMG killers

We enjoy the entertainment yet we did not want to be murder by the cast - crew & writers through the North Bay - Ottawa neurological technology labs in Calgary, North Bay, Los Angeles on Palm Springs & anywhere else

Busted... some of these people. Killers in secret 

Did Ryan's cock bucket Eva have anything to do with the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs?

The cock worshipping slave spouse


That's that's - what it (add layer & track then fu*k a head up)

That's what it means. That's what they do. I already know. You are that... da da da da LA LA LA LA & what the fu*k is all that banter - chatter then?

Into my skull - ears or through my mouth


Alrena + daughter Kaylee are loosing their lives with everyone in the family of Bennett + Bennett Stargrat - Strood + Oliver in Canada for their involvement in the 2012-2024 rape, torture & terror attacks on Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett while everyone the family met in Canada past-present looses their lives before 2029 ages 0-17, 18-100+ then those since turned age 18 + all new births

Rod, Marie & Jordan are exceptions if they are knocked into North Bay - Ottawa Threat Lab devices

A percentage of Libel - Savage + connected family members loose their lives before 2029 while others walk innocent for their involvement between 2012-2024 & prior to 2012 dating back before 1999 & 1993

Amy Toms Bennett & Toms family with everyone connected past-present loose their lives for their involvement between 2012-2024 & prior to 2012 dating back before 1999 & 1993 

They call it ah, life imprisonment or murdered to died. Death. Gone. Gone baby gone. Like before birth. No more

The afterlife. Lives over. Fu*k off. Died. Somebody may acknowledge life... died


Rape + torture episodes of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett locking in the consciousness taking control or fighting the body for control 

1995-2004, 2005-2011, 2012-2024

Wireless rape & brain washing
Wireless Neuro-Control + rape

Rape using males, females & transgender - trans males + trans females

LGBTQ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (or queer)


The people that physically entered these locations affecting the four Bennett's & H.O.R.B - CIG - S.B-CIG

The people mentioned between the 1990's-2024

Loosing their lives with everyone connected for being mentioned & for staying "let us go... don't think about, imagine or remember that we exist or we will fu*k your head up & seize your accounts" as stated into the skull-ears & through the mouths of the four which ate informed they have to be careful what they think, imagine or remember

The four Bennett's & H.O.R.B - CIG - S.B-CIG did not want to be brain washed or monitored & or monitored & controlled 24/7 by people they met & did not between birth & present time

Tara Dakides - American snowboarder was mentioned by these fu*king retards operating at & with the Neurological Technology Threat Labs in North Bay & Ottawa which demanded like previous efforts screaming I told while using images & video clips of the lady like others that the four Bennett's should let go of Tara & others insinuating the four Bennett's were obsessive or obsessive psychopaths so we are brutally murdering Tara Dakides & every past-present professional snowboarder in Canada & USA then international connected fu*king losers,  their families & extended families then others connected past-present

Tara Dakides & her children with all past-present partners loose their pathetic lives in response 

Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett while forced to like skiing & snowboarding alongside other boardsports by the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs between 1986-2024... Nic actually cannot stand boardsports & most team sports at all yet does not want ones neck snapped or heart destroyed by those operating with or at the labs

Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett liked aviation, motorcycles & offloading the marine then a vast variety of other interests pre-1999 & post 

We will kill each other... literally

Cannot get along without bullets in the fu*king head

Ends up in a brutal vicious gun fight on US soul as Americans as a majority + Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett do not mesh well alongside 30% of the planet versus the remaining 70% which at times some... ate more aligned or just over 5 Billion 


Enemies of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett


H.O.R.B - CIG - S.B - CIG 


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