Permanent Relocation

JULY 1, 2024 - NOVEMBER 1, 2024

Permanent Relocation 


The interconnecting Independent Commonwealth domestic internal + external international economies including China - USA - Russia in trade creating a new standardized system to improve the quality of life of all citizens in the Personal Sector utilizing the Private sector first with a minimized Public Sector - Government allowing for more opportunities for stronger integrating cycles of investments on a quarterly basis that are backed by different connecting guarantees for small, medium & large empires

Rich to Poor model out. Royal - Elite to Millionaire Affluent then down to Middle Class then Work Camps - Prison Camps with no Poor as they are a burden on investments not required forcing them segregated into Education Work Camps preparing them for the Middle Class & higher levels in a strong economically stable 3 Tier capped controlled society

Market rate
Hybrid cap rate
Capped rate



H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG + Knights Templar

Government of Canada

Parliment of Canada

Provincial Governments
City Governments
Municipal - Rural Governments

Private Sector thieves in Canada

Rod Paul Bennett

Straight heterosexual male married to
Marie Susan Bennett a straight heterosexual female

Jordan Bennett

Straight heterosexual male married to
Amy Toms (Bennett) a straight heterosexual female

Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett

Straight heterosexual experimental "male" married to
Tatiana Bigarda (Bennett) a straight heterosexual female

The Canadians can answer to just over 5 Billion people in over 100 countries for their efforts taken between 2012-2024 after separate efforts taken prior to 2012 dating back before 1999 & 1993

Leaking information from our brains for social - financial gain while attempting to hold us down negatively affecting our health - careers- overall lives expecting to discredit us to benefit those involved & connected financially 


Born free + nows a robit humans

Keeping our draft + hostage & prisoner wireless  neuro-robots alive

Play ball or executions wirelessly + in different ways by ghost group paid or neuro-controlled interests doubling as with main lives or temporary covers 



H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG + Knight Templar are removing the Government Canadian & British Royal family alongside UK Government from the planet in our global counter attacks on the UK & Canadians over the 2012-2024 rape, torture & terror attacks on Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett which extended to leaking information to competitors from the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs for corrupt areas of Government, Private Sector & citizens in over 25 countries from Canada & the UK first

Prime Minister of Canada.Conservative
Party: Liberal Party: Justin Trudeau

Looses his life with everyone connected past-present ages 0-17, 18-100+ including all new births

Pierre Poilievre, Leader of the Official Opposition

Looses his life with everyone connected past-present ages 0-17, 18-100+ including all new births

Bloc Québécois: Yves-François Blanchet

Looses his life with everyone connected past-present ages 0-17, 18-100+ including all new births

New Democratic Party: Jagmeet Singh

Looses his life with everyone connected past-present ages 0-17, 18-100+ including all new births

Green Party: Elizabeth May

Looses his life with everyone connected past-present ages 0-17, 18-100+ including all new births


Voice to Skull - Ears + Voice through Mouth full body drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll controlled - monitored people 

H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG + Knight Templar officially became the direct global threat & enemy of Canada & the UK between 2012-2024

All areas of Government in both Commonwealth countries alongside everyone that had operated at or with the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs between the 1980's-2024

The politics of Canada functions within a framework of parliamentary democracy and a federal system of parliamentary government with strong democratic traditions. Canada is a constitutional monarchy where the monarch is head of state. In practice, executive authority is entrusted to the Cabinet, a committee of ministers of the Crown chaired by the Prime Minister of Canada that act as the executive committee of the King's Privy Council for Canada and are responsible to the democratically elected House of Commons

Every Canadian & UK citizen will be or has already been knocked into one-six Neurological Technology Lab networks & kept alive out through everything the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs did to the body & life of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett between 2012-2024 after separate efforts taken prior to 2012 dating back before 1999 & 1993

Some labs are interconnected while others are operating separately & Knights Templar is using advanced Neuro-Strike attacks while allowing the innocent to walk on monitored 

Every citizen ages 0-17, 18-100+ with all new births will be knocked into neurological technology networks with memory extracted then the majority put through 1000 times worse mistreatment than as stated that the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs did to the body & life of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett between 2012-2024 after separate efforts taken prior to 2012 dating back before 1999 & 1993


H.I.3 Case

If anyone intervenes the Estate Lawyer of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett will press charges & sue for financial damages

If you hold 0% or a involuntary proven level of minimal liability you can connect as a connected interest from any time between 1985-2024

If any one group or interest intimidates you the Estate Lawyer of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett with an area of the Knights Templar will address with legal & private interests in over 100 countries

Boston - Massachusetts

Cape cod + Boston with specifics could also suffice for S.B-CIG for Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett despite a different tax rate system with the New York City ports central & for a main residence then Research - Manufacturing facility connecting to H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG international investments & projects

Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett is a Canadian born European background citizen with American Citizenship (appointed between 2000-2001 over Sudbury - Montreal research)  

Of interest to Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett on a personal level

Health - safety + quality of life

Adult family

Investments & research + projects 

Social life - private interests

Family - extended on the back burner with specifics connected to adult family

Professional life - in partial retirement of importance 


The body of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett falling apart. Extreme conditions in Neurological Technology & Sciences then a Neuro-Strike 

The psychological - mental state of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett is intake with valid accurate life cycle of memories ages 0-38 (1985-2024) including advancements in experiment's beyond the threshold of most human beings ability to survive with associated injuries as a result 

Reconstructive Surgery + cyst - lipoma removal with concerns to monitor potential for Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 



Eyebrow bone alteration
Eye socket alteration
Jaw bone reconstruction
Chin bone rearrangement & shaving
Nose implant removal + surgery


Pinhole gum grafting
Professional teeth whitening


Chin - neck tuct + pull under chin

Liposuction - fatty tissue removal on biceps + triceps then forearms

Body - Torso

Controlling shape + removing dangerous tissue

Liposuction - fatty tissue removal on biceps + triceps then forearms

Arms - Biceps + Triceps

Liposuction - fatty tissue removal on biceps + triceps then forearms

Waist to Toes

After cutting out both thighs from knee to waist to genitalia then around the anus area implants will be required between bone - skin & remaining salvedged muscles

Removal of muscle, fatty tissues - all surrounding tissues in both legs from knees upward while precautionary efforts are placed from knees to toes down shins

Thigh implant
Hip implant
Buttock implants

Reconstructive surgery on genitalia due to a concern that has to be removed

Right Calve - rear near knee upper left shin (behind shin) requires tissue removal as does the left leg with a smaller concern on the left 

Monitored blood testing every 3-6 months with scans for different potential concerns in the thighs & buttocks

Weight control at 115-125lbs fluctuating 5'9.5"


Neuro-Strike attack injuries + cellular - muscle deviations from an injectable attack on the body in the Neuro-Strike war 2012-2024 leaving the cells in different limbs & muscles permanently damaged requiring surgery

Will require a cain - controlled diet - nutrition to maintain between 2025-2090+ 

Nothing is contagious. Just cellular + muscle damage then damage to internal organs & four Neuro-Tech devices connected to the body permanently with one since disconnected (detachable) housed in Saskatoon from Sudbury & Montreal pre-2023 & the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Lab devices


Inability to lift & carry items physically
Limits on physical abilities
Restricted energy levels
Cain for walking assistance or an assistant

Ability to ride a motorcycle or off-road vehicle, marine vehicle or on-road vehicle alone or with assistant - associate + security

Inability to participate in physical contact or sports & anything that risks impact with specific strategies in an emergency to counter limitations temporarily 

Can design & work with specific tools in prototyping versus others due to weight, lifting & use retrictions then digital work & communicate using different efforts to continue with a partial retired professional life & private life with social & connecting interests 


Efforts taken in Palm Springs & Toronto Ontario, Canada - Brampton Ontario, Canada 2022-2024

The bio warfare separate from psychological - warfare Neuro-Strike efforts taken against Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett prior to 1999 & post caused cyst - tumor growth within muscle - fat tissue between 2022-2024 separate from efforts taken between 2012-2022 which is being reversed due to a counter treatment yet like Flesh Eating diseased the damaged muscle & tissue has to be removed & isolated from the good tissue & muscles which have to heal with less mass permanently otherwise Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett will loose all mobility & require a wheelchair paralyzed rather than partial paralysis from Neuro-Strike efforts taken since 2012 after separate efforts taken prior to 1999

Attacks post Ottawa - Kelowna in Calgary - North Bay & area - Niagara Region - Hamilton - Burlington - Oakville - Toronto - Barrie - Red Deer - Sylvan Lake - Calgary + connected areas in British Columbia - Alberta - Saskatchewan then in the USA + 2012-2024 after separate efforts taken prior to 2012 dating back before 1999 & 1993


Used & respected alongside Michael Persinger & Dr Mary Koslov until after 2012 then further efforts after Queen Elizabeth II death then written off as a discredited laughed at want to be with many accounts & investments seized described as a want to be bottom dweller looking for attention that should be held down at the bottom socially & economically in the USA, Canada & in European countries 


The people that physically entered the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs between the 1980's-2024

The people connected to the people that had physically entered the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs between the 1980's-2024

The people contacted by those that had physically entered the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs between the 1980's-2024 & those connected

The people vocally mentioned or brought up using images & video content by those that physically entered the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs between the 1980's-2024 then those connected & others contacted then those connected to them

Direct enemies we expect to forcefully serve documents to & with private + Law-Court options incarcerate to serve life sentences in maximum security facilities or to execute using different Knights Templar interests & draft interests operating in over 100 countries

The Knights Templar interest job is to forcefully make everyone involved & connects plead guilty in the Law-Court then execute after pressing charges & suing for damages wirelessly counter attacking each person within or outside a prison cell

Into Prison
Into the Grave

End of story. Innocent people walk on

I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett am 100% against the opinions of any one person or group that operated at or with the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs prior to 1993, 1999 & post including anyone personnel group they could contact on Planet Earth. H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG already has a conscious set of opinions separately that does not include such efforts 


The criminal terrorist collective groups have hundreds into thousands of excuses to justify all past-present & planned on-going actions including kicks against Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett's image, character, credibility & reputation in one's professional + private then all life cyle considerations ages 0-6, 7-11, 12-17, 18-25+ which extend to efforts to discredit, isolate, attack, accuse then hold down using false claims against fact with various opinions to justify legally & privately

This included efforts to disrespect & use false psychological - mental condition based claims to discredit the social ability of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett then the professional - private knowledge, skill & ability of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett in the past-present  

Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett dates & allows for controlled screened sexual consensual experience with the female gender solely otherwise the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs operating prior to 1999 or post are demanding they sterilize & use males or others to rape, torture, torment & terrorize Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett 24/7 with accumulative efforts compounded for total control while they request to ensure Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett is not welcome to have fu*k all in life or do fu*k all in life as its been since 2012 after separate efforts taken prior to  

People in their separate lives not being negatively affected or intervened in by H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG + Knights Templar while those many of the same people in Canada connecting with jus under 1.5 Billion interests internationally operating against over 5 Billion have been negatively affecting H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG + Knights Templar between 2012-2024 after separate efforts taken prior to 2012 dating back before 1999 & 1993 





Koslov - Bennett - S.B-CIG 

Costa Rica - Panama + Brazil Cayman based 

Invested countries:

South - North America 

Carribean specifics 

European - Asian

Middle Eastern - African


Rothschild - Bennett - H.O.R.B-CIG

European - USA based 

Invested countries:

South - North America 

Carribean specifics 

European - Asian

Oceania - Asian

Middle Eastern - African

Patrick Rothschild - Bennett with family will remain connected to Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett & Madison Koslov while the children of Patrick Rothschild - Bennett enjoy a succession process in the family with international investments 

Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett & Madison Koslov will be voiding interest in all North America - Canadian - USA - Mexico & partial Carribean investments in our global counter effort against Canada & those connected that operated with that North Bay - Ottawa Threat Lab attacks on Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett carried out between 2012-2024 after prior efforts taken back before 1999 & 1993


JULY 1, 2024 - NOVEMBER 1, 2024

Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett officially cannot return to the United States of America & cannot live in the country due to planned counter attacks on Canada & the UK over the growing number of H.I.3 cases in North America, Europe & internationally

Nic is back to shopping viable options with available first rate medical - dental options alongside a main residence & connected research properties 

Costa Rica - Malaysia - Ecuador - Panama may be options which will allow with access to port cities & connected Banks that will work with Cayman - European international options outside of Canada, UK & USA 

Portugal, Malaysia, Mexico, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Thailand, Spain, Vietnam, and Colombia are some of the most affordable countries to retire in, providing a high quality of life at a fraction of the cost of many Western countries


The average price to ship a 20ft container from China to USA is from $1150 to $3250. The shipping timeline to ship a 20 foot container from China to USA ranges depending on the route. The average price to ship a 40ft container from China to USA is from $2150 to $4850

How much does it cost to ship a 40ft container from China to Costa Rica, the average price to ship a 40ft container from China to Costa Rica is from $2150 to $4850. The shipping timeline to ship a 40 foot container from China to Costa Rica ranges depending on the route


Costa Rica with advanced Security + supply for Medical - Dental + Food - Drink & shipped in supplies for our private residences then Research - Assembly properties outfitted with perimeter security & access to Ports for international shipping of Physical versus Digital products & Services to sustain S.B-CIG international + domestic investments

Advanced Natural Disaster Bunkers rated for Seismic + Hurricane - Tornado & Tidelwave options

Screening for specific Locals Assembly + Delivery positions connecting with Government & Security 

Luxury Villas. Advanced Bomb-proof vehicles & secured Research - Manufacturing properties 

Quality of life for focus on our investment goals & projects with controlled screened social life 

Our contacts in Costa Rica already have the ground work laid like in connected countries of over 100 connecting to different H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG  

H.O.R.B - CIG - S.B - CIG 


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