H.I.3. Lawsuit Against Tim Hortons


H.I.3. Lawsuit Against Tim Hortons 

We are suing Tim Horton Canada alongside the location in North Bay, Ontario, Canada 

Patricia Jean Quinn Housser & Justin O'Neil 

"Seymore Street"

114 Drury St, North Bay, ON P1A 3Z6

We are taking down everyone that had operated at & with the responsible Neurological Technology Threat Labs located in North Bay & Ottawa affecting H.O.R.B-CIG - S.B-CIG & Dr Nice Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett 

Over 100,000 Canadian businesses & brands alongside over 30 Million Canadians are facing criminal & legal actions against between July 1, 2024 - November 1, 2024 

Statue of limitations does not hold up against documented & recorded evidence dating back before 1999 & post


Tim Hortons will transition under a new restructure as the current goes Bankrupt with some Franchise owners salvedged over others & multiple employees versus others facing criminal charges over wireless enslavement rings amongst other concerns in multiple Canadian Provinces operating with new immigrants, born in Canada & international residents 

Tim Hortons is not a business to support or trust as u like trusted brands & businesses there is widespread corruption within & connected to Franchise owners & past-prrsebt employees including involvement in underworld + traditional & wireless enslavement extending to that if their own employees including regional directing managers for corrupt investors with those connected

Concerns over organ harvesting & abuse with connected drug - gang activity



Support Independent Brands or purchase a Kurig Iced - Hot with reusable K-cups then regular variations of coffee or decafe

Do not support corruption & lies which sabotage in effort to negatively affect the image, character, credibility or reputation then safety & well being of a company, brand or business & or professional & private life of a person

Corruption & inequality including race, gender, sexuality amongst other factors

The North Bay Neurological Technology Threat Labs enjoy using Patricia & Jason while our concern is solely if they have either connected to a Neurological Technology Lab device with or without knowing in a non-Standardized lab in their separate lives as the labs in North Bay & Ottawa like other non-Standardized Labs were caught prior to 1999 & post with different people knocked into their monitored networks versus Standardized Labs operating in Canada versus international labs 


Business in Secrecy

We have had a problem with immigrant first or second + generational Canadian business owner - investors with doctored credentials including Lawyers & Doctors then other professionals acting in superiority including East Indian & African descent persons which enjoy a superiority heriarchy where they earn & discriminate holding others down at the bottom socially & financially as their employers & just in general operating with secret groups amongst specific chosen white skinned & others in different smaller Canadian communities including Northern Ontario

Corruption & a style brought from 3rd rate equality in countries like Sub-Saharan Africa, old Sri-Lanka & some areas in India amongst others voiding interest in the European - North American perspectives in quality of life, law, safety & respect



Cut carbs + specifics like Kelly Osborne the recipes Fat Arsed Celebrity daughter

Loss + maintenance of the Fashion chic

Kelly credits her son Sidney, whom she welcomed with her husband Sid Wilson in 2022, for her impressive 85-pound weight loss. "I had gestational diabetes and I had to lose the weight that I had gained during pregnancy," she explained

People can regardless if they have a thin,  average or larger bone structure unless they require muscle mass for strength like in Security or specifics

All races have different types falling into three categories

Lower - Mid Level - Upper

A quality class scale of person how they are & their look - act then credentials, skill & knowledge then judgment with charisma + all qualities in the overall mix

Some lower categories sometimes lift themselves up to Mid Level average then Upper Level while others just fall short & remain missing the point  

Lower classes that decide they are upper try to overpower directing law, respect & amicable separation of not sabotaging others in equality with an equal fair approach with solutions focusing on their own area of interest 


Money + Items

Pay scale in one job position during a term period does not make you superior to other people. A business investment that performs better than others for a term period does not make you a better person

Qualities of how you are then how you are around others with all factors in class of person with your image, character, credibility & reputation as a person in your professional & private life dictates that against your life cycle of experiences ages 0-6, 7-11, 12-17, 18-25+ then adult life before & after age 50 

A financial burden on tax dollars as a public charge temporarily based on economic concerns versus choice long term or career then career criminals versus legitimate people or reformed

Trusted persons
Persons of Interest
Persons of Interest - Reformed persons
Blacklisted Persons

Coninationary fluctuations or accusations of an innocent person as a Person of Interest versus those actual proven 

Meeting Basic Needs + respected Earned Privilege

Modern Underground Railroad

The all race traditional + wireless slaves

Wireless virtual plantations 


Threat Labs versus Standardized


Threat Labs


Threat Labs


Threat Labs


Different areas in North America connected as stated in traced labs versus Standardized + non-traditional labs operating in North America versus international labs which include New York City



Detention tactical technique of many 

Neurological Technology Threat Labs - North Bay - Ottawa +

Sabatours - Social sabotage

Hundreds of efforts to social sabotage people they had illegally hooked up to voice to skull - voice through mouth full body technology with associated software


Rudely talking through the mouth of a subject candidate regardless of where the subject candidate is or what they are doing or intending

While NOT controlling their body partially to fully vocally, physically & psychologically - mentally locking in the consciousness of the subject body

While ACTUALLY controlling their body partially to fully vocally, physically & psychologically - mentally locking in the consciousness of the subject body

EFFECT of those physically around the subject candidate body

People can hear what comes out of the mouth of & if they stand close enough to the body they can hear voices going into the skull - ears if it is done loud enough

If the subject candidate body is in another room, outside, upstairs or downstairs in a building people in one room or outside may be able to overhear what is coming out of the subject candidates body (mouth) which may maybe in or out of context 


In-context to conversations

Communicated, reacted & responded with appropriate basic, mid level or advanced body language

Out of context conversations

Communicated, reacted & responded with appropriate basic, mid level or advanced body language

Rudely speaking through the mouth or singing through the mouth & or screaming through the mouth


Makes it seem like the subject candidate speaks to themselves & answers their own questions amongst other concerns leaving them seeming mentally unstable to anyone around the body or overhearing them 

Hundreds into thousands of layered variations of social sabotage used to drain energy & to void the subject candidate from any form of a social life or social experience in their professional or private life leaving them isolated under control of the lab housing the device & those filtering through with others connected locked down alone often

Adults (ages 18-100+) acting like minors (ages 0-17) or minors (ages 0-17) brought in to assist

Song theme based speaking through the mouth of subject candidates to make them sound stupid sabotaging them often while inficting pain head to toe



Efforts to mildly, moderately, aggressively & in extreme ways take over partial to full control of the subject body head to oe focusing on one or more than 1000 areas of the body at once

Inflicting mild, moderate to severe & extreme pain often draining energy

Efforts to use themes & characters from content or themselves & others to lock in the consciousness to act using the subject body often while sabotaging their natural bodily functions

While the subject candidate is

Walking around

Performing regular daily tasks

Going to speak vocally for themselves

Natural basic, mid level or advanced body language with vocals or silent

While performing extra tasks or exercise

While eating or consuming liquids

While urinating or passing stool


Meddling in the psychological - mental sleep state involving a 4th - 3rd dimensional sub-conscious layered state with a different level of multi-tasking from the physical awake conscious state in the 3rd dimension physically

People commenting while the natural thought, imagination & access to memory exists during the sub-consicous sleep state

Physical intervention to drain energy Inflicting mild, moderate to severe or extreme pain while the subject candidate is asleep in different ways


Passing Stool:

Bowel Movement

Your stool passes out of your body through the rectum and anus. Another name for stool is feces. It is made of what is left after your digestive system (stomach, small intestine, and colon) absorbs nutrients and fluids from what you eat and drink. Sometimes a bowel movement isn't normal


Controlling the HEAD of the person

Full body drone robot ventriloquist doll technology with associated techniques & software

Intension to control the muscles including facial muscles & vocal abilities then internal organs & organ function of the subject candidate


If the subject candidate body connected to the wireless equipment does not submit to demands to be controlled in different ways with all techniques including image - video based brain washing or control efforts alongside psychological - mental + physical Detention & even Execution practices are administered or a combination in different ways disregarding all laws

Rape, torture & terror efforts are in the equation with a mix of others often causing pain, temporary or permanent injuries often requiring surgical intervention 

The relaxed, soft communicated light detention or no-detention effort with no stress in learning with a conscience right or wrong model psychologically - mentally versus physical feeling then emotional feeling are disregarded & those involved disregard the subject candidates skill, knowledge & ability while rudely & aggressively pushing their singular & aggressive demands to overpower & control governing them using opinions, demands & requests

Non-sexual & sexuality power based control efforts then the concept of security versus insecurities with confidence, style & knowledge with skill & ability 

Actual consensual adult sexual experiences are discluded in the equation


Beyond these efforts those involved often invade using further efforts accessing personal & connected banking + Government then other accounts with private efforts to directly & through others take control of all savings, income & assets acting as a secret leech to gain socially & financially 


Those involved & connected operating with these Neurological Technology Threat Labs often with different groups work together to cover up the existence of the wireless equipment & use then they have excuses to justify if they are caught by any one group or person they often use different groups to intimate so they so not speak

It's a conspiracy theory hoax. Not real

It's not possible to wirelessly connect a body to anything

Instilling fear on the subject candidates & all interests involved - connected past & present using legal - law & legal liability versus private illegal - criminal action potential to justify keeping people quiet or they will also hook their brains & bodies up as well to keep them quiet if they do not execute them



Police + Law-Courts with international options alongside media then documented & recorder evidence with traced offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of correspondence presented in a legal argument while Private groups connect with a grid to protect from other efforts

Corrupt areas of Public Sector - Government can step down & face criminal charges & legal action publicly

All persons involved in the Private & Public Sector past-present can face criminal charges & legal action publicly

You can obtain a plea deal if your holding criminal liability creating conditional release options & lowering punishment in the form of sentencing

If you hold 0% liability your in the clear versus those holding 1-100% at times in different forms 

Contact Immediately:

Canadian RCMP
North Bay Police
Calgary Police

Ontario Courts - North Bay
Ottawa Courts - Supreme Court
Alberta Courts - Calgary 


There is a devide in Canada


The sides connecting against Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett. Engineer - Physicist - MD + Honorary MBA

Public Sector - Private Sector + Personal Sector


The sides with Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett. Engineer - Physicist - MD + Honorary MBA

Public Sector - Private Sector + Personal Sector

The others

Those not connected & disinterested but either a aware or unaware of the situation with Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett. Engineer - Physicist - MD + Honorary MBA dating back between 2012-2024 & prior to dating back before 1999


You should notice these basic factors of modern Earth society

Public Sector

Legitimate + corrupt

Private Sector

Legitimate + corrupt

Personal Sector

Legitimate + corrupt

Segregation - categories of different people in each category then connecting between categories

Good & bad or reformed then blacklisted versus trusted in every countries borders & airspace with modernized efforts

The image, character, credibility & reputation then safety & well being with legal - human + rights of those within the Public, Private + Personal Sectors


Staged undercover corrupt versus valid corrupt with ghost auditing & investigative efforts using personnel, digital - electronic infrastructure including surveillance that is visible or concealed



Kristrina Apostalakis alongside everyone she had met since living near Canadore College then in London & Toronto Ontario, Canada are wanted for operating at & with the one Ontario Neurological Technology Lab Cluster locations in North Bay - Ottawa in Ontario against Michael Persinger &

Apostalakis family including parents that worked at Canadore College & Fabrene Inc A Berry Global Company

We will be pressing charges & suing the Apostalakis family & everyone they had met prior to 2007 & post for their involvement in the slaughter & murder attempts on Agent Bennett & multiple other Government interests in the Commonwealth & USA

The two sisters & Kristrina with their patents alongside everyone they met are suspects in the 2012-2024 rape, torture & terror attacks while operating to discredit the four Bennett's alongside other interests in or connected to H.O.R.B-CIG & S.B-CIG


We will be pressing charges & suing every human being that had worked at & the families + extended families of those that worked at the then First Street North Bay OPS IT Help Desk location between January-Feburary 2014

Ontario Public Service It Help Desk

North Bay, Ontario, Canada

Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett worked through Yes Employment & Ian Martin between January-Feburary 2014 after living in Calgary & Airdrie Alberta before moving to Niagara Falls while renting out a house in Calgary travelling to focus on work, studies & professional - private life goals

We are criminally charging & suing over 100,000 Public, Private & Personal interests in Canada including everyone involved in or that shopped at or supported Steve then later Barry's Cheapskates


274 Main St E, North Bay, ON P1B 1B1

Andrew Morrison, Amber Moffat & everything they met including Ethan Trickey & Brad Clinton Moore are all suspects wanted & caught operating at & with the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs between 2012-2024 or prior to 2012 

Owen + Ian Lage-e-ness loose their Freedoms or lives alongside the remainder of just under 1.5 billion internationally connected to guilty versus innocent Canadians 

If either had children they loose their lives over the 2019-2022 efforts  

The Knights Templar is positively executing the Lage-e-ness family as a family & everyone connected for having been involved in operating at & with the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs between 2012-2024 or prior to 2012 if they cannot have them incarcerated serving life sentences alongside everyone they had met past-present 

Do... be careful of random strangers drafted or hostage + prisoner drafts pushing Knights into your throat & slashing it so the blood in which is connected to your ateries spreads outward while you die with a stinging pain sensation for your involvement if your not first knocked into a Knights Templar Neuro-Strike + memory extraction device first 


Every human being age 0-17, 18-100+ then connected new births have been or are being putted for their involvement in over 100 countries in every area of


Life cycles ages 0-6, 7-11, 12-17, 18-25+

Image, character, credibility & reputation

Education + credentials

Professional life
Private life

Involvement with the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs connecting with different people within & outside the borders & airspace of Canada

All positive - negative experiences then similarities & differences to different persons in Canada & USA

Controlled edits on extracted memory in servers & hard drive with body detached from Neurological Technology equipment if not monitored unmanned or partial to full control in the mix based on confirmed involvement

All addresses, Government ID, tax returns, social + family based experiences documented with controlled sharing with edited information alongside photographs & graphics or images then descriptions of their experiences in life


These people that operated at the Neurological Technology Threat Labs versus Standardized Labs including in North Bay & Ottawa are wanted on a lot of Canadian - US based criminal charges for efforts taken between 2012-2024 & prior to 2012

Bashing, trashing, disrespecting, making fun of immaturely or in thousands of themed ways while mocking to provoke & aggravate

Psychological warfare + suppression
Physical restraint


Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett used to as a child & teenager before age 23 while in the North Bay - Mattawa areas skateboard (skate), snowboard & participate in different varieties of activities between studies, work & family obligations yet after ages 22-23 focused on CIG & other related international & Canadian based adult career focused interests while including some interests privately prior 

After the years 2007-2008 Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett did not have time while living out of Calgary mainly connected to Los Angeles - international interests in Investments with connected projects then research despite living in Vancouver - Kelowna - Squamish British Columbia & Ottawa in Ontario before spending time in Greater Toronto area & Hamilton or the Niagara Region

Prior to 2001 Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett did not have adult rights & was under parents & others legal guardianship between 1985-2000 in the North Bay area in Ontario Canada mainly then Sudbury with specific areas including Shaftsbury Island on Trout Lake in North Bay in Ontario, Canada 



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