Johnny Depp goes down for 1000+ Accounts


Johnny Depp goes down for 1000+ Accounts 


Plastic little runts + private life drama

Fu*k off... 

Chris the whiney plastic fu*k

Jonathan Christopher Depp II 


Patricia Jean Quinn Houser + everyone that she had met alongside everyone that had met Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett in Canada between 1985-2024 then everyone connected past-present ages 0-17, 18-100+ including those since turned age 18 then new births are all facing criminal charges alongside American Musician - Actor - Painter Johnny Depp + everyone we connected him to having met then others connected in over 100 countries in the 2012-2024 rape, torture & terror attacks on Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett after separate efforts taken prior to 2012 dating back before 1999 & 1993 involving just under 1.5 Billion people in over 25 countries operating against over 5 Billion

Neuro-Strike efforts taken between 2012-2024 after separate efforts taken as stated prior to 2012 dating back before 1999 & 1993 


I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett tried to be nice about Chris & his little private life drama that people asked me about between a busy separate life & career between the 1990's-2024 despite the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs efforts to use his works as a Plastic public Puppet artist + Actor for money Musician

I am tired of hearing about Chris & Chris drama from those operating at & with the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs or others as I was before 2007 & post 

Fu*king annoying. The guys like a dirty little Mexican that puts an outfit on... turns into the outfit then back to a half psycho aggressor dirty Mexican shark musician cross artist 

A nut

Someone please ask a mentally stable person that knows the fu*k nut to ask the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs to fu*k off about Chris & his fu*king existence for once then all others 

I have to focus on my portfolio, injuries & treatment 

People do not understand pissed off & annoyed 


People like the Rolling Stones band mates & Depp or others then they bring up little piss ants like themselves just younger acting in superiority

I can respect art & music yet disrespect towards myself * works & I'll fu*k you in every way continually

Your be in a fu*king wheelchair & hearing voices in your head while you sh*t anything you consume

Okay retarded fu*king in d*ckheads

I can be respectful until your not then it's a war. The war never ends

Okay? Understood? Fu*k you!

Don't fu*king bother me about Depp wanting to be rebook or Private - Professional life drama. I answered by force & don't particularly hive a fu*king ongoing about the fans or anyone connected past-present 

Pure hatred & a Dead Johnny is all you will have if this persists alongside just under 1.5 Billion deceased bodies connected to the North Bay - Ottawa labs 

Everything in the H.I.3 case descriptions remains online

Just over 30 Meta: Facebook profiles & connected 21 blogger profiles 

Johnny Depp goes down for 1000+ Accounts 

Depp is a retarded fagg*t like the remainder of the majority of Americans & Canadians 

Dead fu*k if I see it in person 

- Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett


We are going to enjoy the Knights Templar hunting & brutally wireless killing just over 10 million high profile celebrities that were involved operating with & at the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs including efforts with those using comparisons & efforts to write off everything Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett

Actors, Actresses, Musicians, Dancers, Artists + Politicians

The North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs refusal to negotiate over a requested Law-Court resolution between 2012-2024 after prior efforts taken between 2012 dating back before 1999 & 1993 cost Drake of Toronto & many others their careers, freedoms & private lives as the Knights Templar are destroying their bodies & lives

I if specific persons see Drake like others they will receive a bullet in the head while others will attach their bodies to another neurological technology network device demobilizing them permanently revoking their privacy & control if their bodies with extracted memory

Game Over... thanks to the Ottawa - North Bay Threat Labs 


Drake & Johnny the two fu*k fag boys can organize the Law-Court as detachable robot slaves pleading like little b*tch kids in a big fit internationally with their favorite media friends

Aww micro nigga d*ck + Chris big ol' fag mouth & arsehole equipped with limpd*ck & a head full of coke in an experiment he decided on

In + out.

If these two maggots show themselves near my presence I will end their lives if I can like anyone within the 1.5 Billion versus over 5 Billion I will not

Fu*k you!

Everyone involved, connected + mentioned by the North Bay - Ottawa Threat Labs between the 1980's-2024 loose their Freedoms or Lives before 2029

Moving forward with life sentences or deaths & fu*k off... while the innocent walk on 

Canadian Cont!
American Cont!



Rudely interrupting me in my separate life using these two conts separate from other retarded conts

I have had enough of being interrupted by anything over anyone or anything including the two fu*k conts

I have tried to state this right to the two fu*king conts even to their faces directly or through other people

Two retard conts. Respected careers. Sure

Two fu*king fu*k retarded idiots & everyone knows it... understood

Fu*k off already on these or the others

Don't even bring up characters they dressed up as... just fu*k off 


Mouse House little plastersized alleged legends 

I don't have time for make believe plastic seam - play-doh plastic little career entertainment runts or media phonies

Literally fu*k off

I am not Madison Koslov or Nicole Sydney

I am generally not the nicest kind of person always especially if you are not kind towards me 


Insert holiday + belief or no belief 


People that met or spent time around Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicolas Bennett

Private life... bars, clubs, private residents then premiers & at mountains or spots despite Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicolas Bennett's busy career with work - travel goals


Devun Walsh

Chris Dufficy

Mike Rencz


Romain De Marchi

JF Pelchat

Tara Dakides

JP Walker

Sean Johnson

Jason Borgestead

Dan Migno

Specific other people in or connected to the boardsports industry


Jeef Heer

A respective list of retarded fu*king people which also enjoyed a high risk retarded career or interest in boardsports

SIA Vegas then San Diego
Sait Calgary + Royal
Howe Sound Brewery
Whistler - Squamish Skateparks
Callaghan + other Backcountry
Pemberton Festivals + residences
Downtown Vancouver
North - West Vancouver
Los Angeles
Coachella Valley
New York City
Ottawa - Montreal

BMO + Toronto Canada Boardsports tradeshows & events 

Mediterranean - European connection

Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett an Engineer - Physicist - MD with Honoary MBA between a busy work - travel - study schedule had made time to enjoy private life interests then some involvement in film, television, entertainment & professional athletics between the late 1990's-2024 including 2 years as a Retail Manager - Web focused person at a now defunct Calgary Wakeboard store (2012-2014) 

Research - Investments - Projects as main focus between a financial goal then private life interests alongside advanced security & ones own design portfolio between secondary hustles catering to a larger professional portfolio separate from the private life 


Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett was know previous to 2011-2014 as just one of God Helmets - Michael Persinger out of Sudbury Ontario research kids with a variety of interests yet focus on science, technology & investments 

- Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett


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