Sect 1. 007 5 Eyes Profile Conclusion


The official profile of 

Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett 

Engineer - Physicist - MD + Honorary MBA

Ex-M16 connected to C.I.A. Canadian born operating then under Michael Persinger - Dr Mary Koslov with Queen Elizabeth II + Duke of Edinburgh. 2000's-2022/2023 doubled as an Agent

Sudbury - Montreal - Saskatoon in Canada  

Concluding the H.I.3 Case descriptions 

The last posts on profile. Starting from the first as this is the last as per all Blogger profiles (not .com)

The House of Rothschild Bennett - Sydney Bennett Group

13th Order - Bevarian Sect - Banking Cartel

Knights Templar - Royal Elite Security Intelligence

The Commonwealth International Investment Group 

The H.I.3 Case. Neuro-Strike collective Murder Case of victim Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett

Male + Female aspects in efforts splitting the one person into two in Canada in an advanced international investigation

Murder City program as a result of failed efforts & botched execution attempts using different interests with or without them knowing prior to 2012 & post



The Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), commonly known as MI6 (Military Intelligence, Section 6), is the foreign intelligence service of the United Kingdom, tasked mainly with the covert overseas collection and analysis of human intelligence on foreign nationals in support of its Five Eyes partners. SIS is one of the British intelligence agencies and the Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service ("C") is directly accountable to the Foreign Secretary

Commonwealth Member Country based British M16 Intelligence connecting with 5 Eyes + Knights Templar

The Five Eyes (FVEY) is an Anglosphere intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. These countries are parties to the multilateral UK-USA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence. Informally, Five Eyes can refer to the group of intelligence agencies of these countries

Michael Persinger had went Public in 2016 of January lifting all gag orders & non-disclosures over 10 variations of Havana Syndrome causing Neurological Technologies & associated softwares with international use prior to his 2018 death after having had worked with colleague Dr Mary Koslov & different interests including Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett 

Status in 2024

CIG Investments + Projects
Unresolved H.I.3 Neuro-Strike case

Cancer screening + require surgical intervention on injuries relating to the Neuro-Strike case

Specific future plans between H.O.R.B-CIG & S.B-CIG



Neuro-Super Agent Bennett. 3rd Degree + Combat trained Ex-Agent + Ex-Commander

Living on one's own supporting oneself since age 16 or 2001. Current age 38 (June 2024)


Present Address

Legal - Personal + Professional

Knights Templar Security Team
CIG Contact

Specific connected direct 24 hour crew based in presently Saskatoon, North Bay & Calgary in Canada connected to Mediterranean - European international interests 

Connected interests in Canada based out of Saskatoon, Sudbury & Montreal over Neurological Technology 


Ah, rain, rain. Go away.

The & it goes away. Walk on guilty rather than innocent. Write everyone & everything off as a Want to be. Not it never happened. Oh my! 


Efforts to write everything off as a Want to Be with people discredited & isolated made to look mentally unstable as Want to Be's

These efforts then others to cover up the use of technology & criminal, illegal + fraudulent efforts taken against the image, character, credibility & reputation of a person or group & area of the Public & Private Sector leading to the point of executing people then dismantling & destroying all signs of their existence even if those involved in these non-stop efforts with different interests operating collectively are caught while connecting with corrupt areas of the Public, Private + Personal Sector within one or more countries ruthlessly revoking their interest in stopping full scale attacks to cover their efforts leaving people dressed or held down with Banking accounts seized + controlled then assets revoked so they cannot talk or do anything in life or have anything in life

Further efforts to allow people to review extracted memory & use of people the person affected, subject candidates the right illegally & criminally to review their memory then assault or attempt to execute them in private expecting not to get caught operating at the Threat Lab locations in question connecting with different interests in the process to waist the affect subject candidate person time so they cannot do a whole lot or have a whole lot in life often isolating then using before executing them painfully for fun & enjoyment as disposable biological beings not before attempting to learn from the subject candidate affected person & others they had met between birth - present time sharing amongst themselves & others to benefit their lives professionally & privately while the subject candidate affected person is then killed after painfully being held down under attack wirelessly

The legitimate skilled with knowledge & experienced person with earned credentials versus invalid fraud want to be is a separate situation yet of importance

To falsely accuse a legitimate person of being a fraud is an attack on their image, character, credability & reputation in their professional & private lives 


Attempts to withhold the Subject Canditate Bodies from natural bodily function

Passing stool

Non-stop attacks 24 hours a day between 2012-2024 after separate efforts taken prior to 2012 & prior to dating back before 1999 & 1993 


Bill Gates alongside just under 1.5 Billion people including the Estates of the deceased can describe their involvement operating at & with the one Ontario Neurological Technology Threat Labs in North Bay - Ottawa affecting the body & life of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett between 2012-2024 & prior to 2012 dating back before 1999 & 1993

Bill Gates can answer alongside family & extended then others connected past-present to over 5 Billion people in over 60 countries as to his involvement with these two Neurological Technology Threat Labs  

William Henry Gates III (born October 28, 1955) is an American businessman, investor, philanthropist, and writer best known for co-founding the software company Microsoft with his childhood friend Paul Allen. During his career at Microsoft, Gates held the positions of chairman, chief executive officer (CEO), president, and chief software architect, while also being its largest individual shareholder until May 2014. He was a pioneer of the microcomputer revolution of the 1970s and 1980s


July 1, 2024 - November 1, 2024

Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett against the North Bay - Ottawa Labs


People that operated at the labs in question between 1985-2024

Voluntarily versus involuntarily operating


People that operated outside the labs in question between 1985-2024

Voluntarily versus involuntarily operating


"I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett did not once include any one person that physically entered the Neurological Technology Threat Labs in North Bay or Ottawa in my life directly or through different people & or through offline, online, mobile or telephone channels of communication in my private life. If you had met me & you operated at or with the responsible labs then you will be representing yourself with or without legal representation in the Law-Courts against my legal representation alongside everyone else including those in the Public & Private Sector" 


"Did I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett screen you in my private life & if you were part of my professional life or educational focus did you include yourself in my life illegally expecting you had some form of legal right to do so? I did not include you. If you had an accusation to take against me the Law-Courts were readily available the entire time to dispute such claims" 

007 5 Eyes Profile Conclusion 


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