Modelling Agency - CIG SB - RBK Seven


Modelling Agency - CIG SB - RBK Seven 

Fashion & Model investments within textiles including raw material source & manufacturer production 

Models - Projects unlike Actors, Actress, Athletes, Muscians, Bands & specific interests 


Amy Toms (Bennett) if she operated with people at or with the one Ontario neurological technology lab locations or separately disrespecting Jordan Raymond Bennett to his face & behind his back in any unreasonably non-sarcastic way that goes over aline of acceptability from a legal, private or social stand point then she's filing for divorce as she will be paid her settlement in alimony while Jordan is introduced to his new physical body, health & appearance with new schedule accompanied by an attractive model female potential partner for his needs catering to him

Medusa out. Model in. Simple as that

A private deal for the three children with Amy & Jordan appoints someone in his PWC Canada partnership or sells & focuses on CIG SB - RBK Seven 

Titanium hip Jordan can live to 110 like brother Nic 

A highly controlled CAD $10 Million alimony pay out for a residence & budget pension strategy to retire & security so dating partners or friends & family cannot take advantage of the estate of Amy Toms 

Gold Diggers void - Killers Void 

CIG SB - RBK Seven private & public stock & market unit investments 

Minority - Majority ownership of companies, brands, businesses, rights, projects & archived projects 

Cousin It - Adams Family 2 Animate 

Closest to Dr Nuc - Sydney Nicola Bennett

Love. Love drunk. Attachment. Reliance. Severed slightly. Ties & you can slowly distance & ween off the emotional physical connection

It's like an adult from terrible twos. Off the suck tities & onto the clam chowder then adult suck tities then trade out, up, down & around then back into another or single 

How she sees it he doesn't & how two she's he isn't while two he's are inappropriate then mixed genders ate all twisted up

You can transition out & move on creating a plan in secret for both parties after exhausting all options changing habit,  routine with self reliance 

Puppy dogs eyed & you have to keep a line drawn then overall hits for or against then test quarterly & tally up the performance on a private date fu*k partner 

Parenting is a separate equation

A professional career is a separate equation 

Dynamics equals rules established within including outside intervention 

Boundaries, standards & expectations then efforts daily & schedules otherwisee it fades like a wilted flower or rose & your genitals fall out 


Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett


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