Letters to the D


Letters to the D 

A cock letter. Letter right to the downstairs up front not back there 


Living the dream. Living a lie. Getting away with what you did or did not

Walking from what you never did

Walking from what you did

Your life cycle of experiences

Literally you have walked from a big life you constructed to move forward in a life you have yet the manufactured past versus valid factual & this has been used to tear down using false claims or belief against fact those honest versus not 

Now with memories extracted & no outside control & tampering using interrogation or imagination against memory valid we have reality versus anything that is not 

Detachable technologies - why is said memory in a hard drive? 

Birth month by month to present extraction date 

Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett 


Jordan Bennett CA.CPA



Looking at television & or film reference if hundreds of thousands then specifics narrowing down comparison examples 

2 broke girls season 2 episode 16

Never Goin' Back

Angela and Jessie are best friends intent on taking a wild beach trip, but when their roommate loses all of their money in a drug scam, the girls -- blissfully stoned -- go to increasingly daring and absurd lengths to get it back.

Release date: August 3, 2018 (USA)

Director: Augustine Frizzell

Box office: 61,271 USD

Distributed by: A24

Produced by: James M. Johnston; Toby Halbrooks; Liz Cardenas

Production companies: Sailor Bear; Mama Bear Studios


We are taking down every human being I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett met daily between 1985-2024 & those connected past-present for their efforts operating with or at the one Ontario neurological technology lab cluster locations & those operating separately


People operating at 

This includes those that had physically operated at the one Ontario neurological technology lab cluster locations affecting me between 1999 & daily between 1999-2024 

I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett did not include these people in my life directly unless I had screened to in my private life 

I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett did not include these people in my life through other people unless I had screened to in my private life 

I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett did not include these people in my life through any form of a wireless neurological technology device unless it was court ordered or health board ordered 


People operating with 

This includes those that had operated with those that physically operated at the one Ontario neurological technology lab cluster locations affecting me between 1999 & daily between 1999-2024 

I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett did not include these people in my life directly unless I had screened to in my private life 

I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett did not include these people in my life through other people unless I had screened to in my private life 

I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett did not include these people in my life through any form of a wireless neurological technology device unless it was court ordered or health board ordered 


People mentioned  

This includes those that had been mentioned by those that physically operated at the one Ontario neurological technology lab cluster locations affecting me between 1999 & daily between 1999-2024 

I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett did not include these people in my life directly unless I had screened to in my private life 

I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett did not include these people in my life through other people unless I had screened to in my private life 

I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett did not include these people in my life through any form of a wireless neurological technology device unless it was court ordered or health board ordered 


Conscious versus dictated decisions 

With the one Ontario neurological technology lab cluster locations affecting Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett 

If Nic had consciously chose to experience such or purchase & own or maintain 

No comment 

If those operating at & with the one Ontario neurological technology lab cluster locations affecting Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett

We are pressing charges, suing those responsible operating at & with or separate from the responsible locations for financial damages & or having them killed in response 

This includes all daily purchases, social experiences & any residences (rental or owned)

We will execute entire families, extended families or persons, couples, singles or families as stated then groups or potential groups connected 


These people will be knocked into neurological technology lab networks & monitored or monitored & controlled 24/7 then some will be put through 1000 times worse than those operating with or at the one Ontario neurological technology lab cluster locations did to Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett prior to 1999 & daily between 1999-2011 & again daily between 2012-2024 

Some will be brutally killed while all or the majority of all & those connected are made public & known for their involvement with accurate life cycle profiles & information shared in every area of over 60 countries to everyone 

Bullet in the fu*king heads
Sledge hammer destroying the skull - brain
Necks fractured 
Necks slashed 
Shanked - stabbed to death 


Paid & drafted investigators & killers 


Speaking in plurals & social sabotage while administering detention or execution or a combination of practices equals large scale global retaliation effort & non-stop until there is a court legal resolution 

Forced to rent a room or residence 

Conscious choice to rent a room or residence 

Forced to purchase an item or residence 

Conscious choice to purchase an item or residence 

Forced choice to work somewhere & or a financial strategy on a personal level 

Conscious choice to work somewhere & or a financial strategy on a personal level 


Screened virtually conversations or correspondence online or mobile & telephone 

Screened face to face communication in a private life 

Monitored concerns in one’s professional life regardless 

Not you rudely speak into our skull-ears or through our mouths spying on us using wireless neurological technology lab monitoring thought, imagination or memory regardless of where we are & what we are doing & intending 

No court order or health board no go & with legal representation & unbiased opinions in investigative review of the subject candidates life cycle of experiences 

Tinkle rather than explode as an actors tactical move. Pose as a pisser bud & facial express facial express 


Difference between psychopath & psychosis or psychotic behaviours then sociopathic episodes & mixes of bi-polar disorders from mild, moderate to severe 

Manufactured naturally with conscience blocked 

Natural variations of uncontrolled as traits with mixed emotions within motivated by hereditary, trauma based, late onset or social - physical environmental motivators creating habit & routine

One track & superiority then focus on oneself first & others are around yet oneself is the focus while often one disregards all others because like 

Narcissism first & aware of empathy 


Sydney Nicola Bennett born 1985. Canada 

American - Canadian 

Hollywood Multi - Billionaire A-list Actor - Artist 

Another form of physics engineered for my retirement transition

In retirement from neurological sciences & technology while doubling in intelligence between earning an education, industry spec credentials & through developing knowledge, skill & ability I had developed an advanced approach in a cross career while focusing on a social, financial & investment portfolio 

So that said... as it was & is I will focus on my continual mockery of those involved in what I consider mistakes in research versus standards which I had assisted in creating & implementing on a global scale

My focus will solely be on making films, music, art & a screened social circle then my dNA children & specifics in my family

In terms of this mockery response on a global scale my underground works in research with others will be brought to the surface like a hypnotizing act of not houdini but to split & remind those involved & connected that my skill sets me apart equal to few rather than many 

In America they refer to the level in film as their A-list for the mainstream yet there are multiple areas interconnected of interest to myself in mixing art, sciences,  technology & current, forecasted & past events in our earth's history

Retiring as a Multi - Billionaire A-list Actor from once suppressed research in sunny California connected to different international interests while consciously voiding conflict out of respect for all borders & airspace of 195 countries & my almost 196 in a time when I had tried

An unmanned crated research skilled Actor, Artist with a vast variety of focus looking to remain alive past 110 effectively 

The pandoras boxes will be stored safely housing my memories in 10 terabyte hardrives


Age 8-100+ range in male - female or gender variation with vast 1000 range 

Writer - director - photographer 

Artist - Multiple area of focus 


Dr Nic Bennett - Advanced Cross Career 

Developed social - Financial - Career Portfolio  

High Profile Influencer 

Engineer - Physicist MD with Honorary MBA 

Laurentian University
Algonquin College
MIT - Harvard 
Specific 50+ industry spec certifications 

Actor - Writer - Director - Musician - Artist

Pilot - Commercial Driver - Motocyclist 

Owner - CIG The Commonwealth Group 

Studied under Michael Persinger & Dr Mary Koslov with specific international interests connected 

Residency - Dissertation - Portfolio available connecting all aspects of earned skill, knowledge & experience together while focusing on a main career, secondary & different projects then legal cases outside of a private life Including advanced technologies, programming & inventions, innovations separate from developed theory, concepts, prototypes & practices 

United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights & relevant international waters law, 195 countries borders & airspace law, earths history & daily life today against past 

Dr Nic Bennett CIG SB - Seven / CIG RBK - Seven

Dr Nic Bennett CIG SB - RBK Seven


All citizens are at risk similar to Covid 19 requiring vaccinations administered by the NHS - UN global standard then

M.S.P-M.C.G Murder City - Security  

Your brain has to be connected to a safe wireless device to monitor your body & track your whereabouts 24/7 leaving you still in control of your body with privacy while only your legal representation & a health board of screened approved professionals can see the device with or without you under legal contract approval 

Threat levels 0-1 are unmanned monitored 

Threat levels 2 are monitored as persons of interest

Threat levels 3-4 are monitored & controlled by different teams & software intervention 

All non-approved non-standardized labs will kot be able to operate as they will be traced & investigated for every citizens safety, privacy & rights 


This is so a foreign threat country or group within their countries or our own operating in secret cannot connect your body to a device to take control of your body locking in your conscious mind so your a prisoner inside your body allowing them wireless control of your muscles & entire body so they can send their voice through mouth for you & speak into your skull & ears 

The human body can be connected to one-six of these devices allowing multiple labs to monitor you 24/7 & even take vocal, physical & psychological - mental control of your body 

This is all I, Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett can do to protect the lives of the majority of most populations on planet earth using my investment group & connected Royal - Elite security defence program with advanced neurological sciences & technology with connected advanced programs 

Dr Nic Bennett CIG SB - RBK Seven


Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett as a recording artist amongst other areas of occupational versus private interests in life 

100+ million global club of all stars 

Record sales - Globally per album & songs

Albums 75-125+ Million or 1+ Bn sales 
Songs 75-125+ Million or 1+ Bn sales


Multiple & stages hybrid variation in traditional, hybrid AI adaptive & remix then mashup innovations off ones own or expressed right to a cover section overlaying another’s song for purpose in a message creating an overall purpose caring to different or a cross section of genres for different demographic interest

Personal interest in a vintage era themed  inspired effort including earths history 

Earning 0.51 on the dollar or three dollar then equivalent in numbers 

Because a gold, or platinum—or, better still, multiplatinum—record means financial success. These awards, given by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), represent huge sales—500,000 units for gold, 1 million for platinum, 2 million or more for multiplatinum, and 10 million for diamond

“I, Dr Nic Bennett have done two albums & one collaborative in music. Selling at above Diamond levels internationally. I am known for my look & sound plus perspective yet I void interest in mainstream attention in media for purpose which I am transitioning to considering mainly due to the H.I.3 case”


Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett as a recording artist amongst other areas of occupational versus private interests in life 

100+ million global club of all stars 

Art sales - Globally per packaged piece 

Film 75-125+ Million or 1+ Bn sales 
Television 75-125+ Million or 1+ Bn sales
Drawings - Sketches 75-125+ Million or 1+ Bn sales
Paintings 75-125+ Million or 1+ Bn sales
Digital Arts 75-125+ Million or 1+ Bn sales
All others 75-125+ Million or 1+ Bn sales

Personal interest in a vintage era themed  inspired effort including earths history 

Earning 0.51 on the dollar or three dollar then equivalent in numbers 

Global art sales increased by 3% year-on-year to about $67.8 billion, with the market exceeding its pre-pandemic level of 2019, when it was $64.4 billion. Bustling art fairs, successful auctions at the high end, and busy in-person exhibition schedules contributed to a rising market

Just under 10 films as an actor of sorts, directed a few & wrote for over 25 between a busy schedule then writing & structured organization for television including those invested in or separate term projects tge a list of over 1000 underground projects connected to research & the H.I.3 case 

Lead, supporting, background acting & multiple areas of focus in film making & independent film as described in the Tekari Yoshimoto & specific areas of the H.I.3 case in just over 30 Meta: Facebook profiles & 21 Blogger profiles 

Digital & physical units sold 

Ability to digital - virtual - physical perform live or in pre-recordings or live puppet stage in different forms as a live performance act versus recorded or live television, sitcom like hybrid or variations of on term contracts then royalty on future sales 


Expenses & revenue then profits + growth 

“My goal is always dollar bills. I focus on a tactile structured strategy & add my own take or innovate & create from the ground up then once that exists I create units or services catering to numbers which then from the structure provide a return on my efforts in a calculated break even to fair & higher profits with trend based forecasting to adjust the structure to control demand. Dollar bill goals. Structure. Product. Efforts to earn & enjoy. Rinse repeat then balance a private life & overall larger investments in a strategic portfolio” 

CIG SB - RBK Seven



Brand & Manufacturer

Digital or Physical & Combination

Expenses - break even - profits - percentage left in company for growth & to fight inflation


Retail to Market

Digital or Physical & Combination

Expenses - break even - profits - percentage left in company for growth & to fight inflation


Raw materials - access & supply
Design & patents, rights, trademarks
Manufacturing - refining & available supply

To cut out the brand - manufacturer aspect decreases job positions as does automating

To cut out the retailer aspect decreases job positions as does automating

Affordable Batteries


BRICCS Blockchain Crypto 


Energy Storm Resistant




Mexico Drought


Rub N Tug Scene 



Nice. Humerus. Wealthy. Powerful. Famous

Strict & demanding yet relaxed approach 

Mansion Zaa Zaa


Robots Replace Humans in 75-90% of factories - China 


European Beach Towns 


Spanish Beaches 


AI Competency Grading Tool


AI Cashflow Workload 


2024 South Korea - US Exercises 


Ocean Waves 


The CIG SB - RBK Seven 


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