
Showing posts from June, 2024

Warning. Self-isolation + Screening

NOT WELCOME 1985-2024/2090+ Warning. Self-isolation + Screening (not .com) The last posts on profile. Starting from the first as this is the last as per all Blogger profiles FINAL CONCLUSION JUNE 26, 2024 Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett Neuro-Strike + Biowarfare victim born in North Bay, Ontario, Canada 2012-2024 after separate efforts taken prior to 2012 dating back before 1999 & 1993 Engineer - Physicist - MD - Honorary MBA Professional Career 2008-2024 Project Manager - Executitve turned Majority Shareholder - The Commonwealth Group. International Investment Group   Relevant + irrelevant past positions pre-2023 in partial retirement  US $100 Billion - $1 Trillion + Investment Group Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett (not .com) Remaining single Blogger profile receiving updates past June 26, 2024 of main 21 Blogger profiles + 1 Bonus profiles of 22 3 MAIN LINKS OF 21  Sydneys Space

Targets. USA + majority of Canada

BENNETT  Targets. USA + majority of Canada  USA - CANADA - UK Enemies of Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett USA - CANADA - UK 100 MILLION AMERICANS LIVE ON  The remainder of USA deceased by 2029 California - New York - Florida + others versus others  Is California guilty?  Which USA - Canadian + UK labs carried it out? 1985-2024 EFFORTS Counter efforts over victim: Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett California + into the ground   EXCEPTIONS Blue Host  Meta: Facebook Google - YouTube +  MSN + Blogger  CALIFORNIA IS DYING A PAINFUL DEATH  We are executing everyone as stated multiple times throughout the H.I.3 Case that had met Dr Nic Bennett - Sydney Nicola Bennett between 1985-2024 within the borders & airspace of Canada including Chris Amond & Brad Moore alongside everyone they had met & that Everyone ages 0-17, ages 18-100+ then those since turned age 18 then all new births  We are executing every LGBTQ+ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer+ identifying

Read Everything - Section 1

H.I.3 CASE  Read Everything - Section 1 The last posts on profile. Starting from the first as this is the last as per all Blogger profiles (not .com) H.I.3 CASE  Read Everything  INSTRUCTIONS Read each Blogger post. Scroll down to read more until you complete each post Onto the next post See: click on "More Posts" to reveal more until you reach the end of all 21 Blogger profile posts A similar instruction exists for the Meta: Facebook Profiles connected & connected available information with evidence All URL Links are relevant to an overall bigger picture in description. Review + acknowledge & watch as one person or a team if your interested 3 MAIN LINKS OF 21  Sydneys Space - 443 pages Sphere 1 - 650 pages Sphere 2 - 423 pages BENNETT (not .com) Sect 2. Sydneys Space - Global Warming Solved Introduction - Second S